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Cylinder Head Books

Organisation of Knowledge

Author: Julius Kayode Apotiade

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Education

Course Code: LIS202

Topics: Knowledge Organisation, Information Materials, catalogue, Bibliographic Description, Subject Headings, Traditional Classification Schemes, Dewey decimal classification Scheme

Upper limb(Highlights of human anatomy)

Author: Akinola

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA209

Topics: Upper extremity, Limb, Clavicle, Acromioclavicular Joint, coracoid process, Articular Cartilage, Humeral Head, Lesser tuberosity, Glenoid Rim, Scapula, Shaft of humerus

Clinical Anatomy Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors,14th Edition

Author: Harold Ellis, Vishy Mahadevan

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA209, ANA204, ANA302, ANA307

Topics: Thorax, Abdomen, pelvis, upper limb, lower limb, head, neck, nervous system, brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, special senses, autonomic nervous system, trachea, lungs, pleura, thoraic cage, Peritoneal cavity, gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal adnexae, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, urinary tract, ligamentous pelvis, pelvic floor, perineum


Author: profisy4CHRIST

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA202

Topics: Rib, head, necj, tubercle, shaft, flail chest, cervical rib, lumbar rib

Clinically Oriented Anatomy,Eighth Edition

Author: keith moore, arthur dalley, anne agur

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANA204, ANA209, ANA302, ANA307

Topics: Regional anatomy, systemic anatomy, clinical anatomy, anatomicomedical terminologies, anatomical variations, integumentary system, fascias, fascial compartment, skeletal system, muscle tissue, muscular system, cardiovascular system, lymphoid system, nervous system, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, perineum, back, upper limb, lower limb, head, neck, cranial nerves

Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, 7th edition

Author: Paul Harrison, Philip Cowen, Tom Burns, Mina Fazel

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: psychiatric disorders, Aetiology, stressful experiences, Anxiety disorders, obsessive– compulsive disorders, Phobic anxiety disorders, Panic disorder, Mixed anxiety, depressive disorder, Obsessive– compulsive- related disorders, Post- traumatic stress disorder, Adjustment disorders, Aetiological models, Depression, depressive disorders, treatment of depression, Bipolar disorder, mania, Schizophrenia, Paranoid symptoms, Paranoid personality disorder, Delusional disorder, paranoid psychoses, Eating disorder, sleeping disorder, sexual disorder, gender identity disorder, Dementia, delirium, neuropsychiatric disorders, Movement disorders, Cerebrovascular disorders, Head injury, Epilepsy, Intracranial infections, Brain tumours, neuropsychiatric syndromes, Personality, personality disorder, Cluster A disorder, Cluster C disorder, Child psychiatry, Intellectual disability, mental retardation, Forensic psychiatry, mental disorder, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, Suicide, deliberate self- harm, Psychiatry, Global psychiatry, psychological tre

Organic Mental Psychiatric disorders

Author: Bunmi Buhari

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: symptomatic mental disorders, organic mental disorders, Delirium, Dementia, alzheimer dementia, Vascular dementia, Fronto-temporal dementia, Pick’s Disease, Amnesic syndrome, Neurological disorders, Normal pressure hydrocephalus, Head injury, Lobe syndromes

Why the High prevalence psychiatric illness among medical patients

Author: Ajiboye

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Depressive illness, psycho-oncology, breast cancer, head and neck cancer

Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology ,Third edition

Author: Edward Klatt

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATHOLOGY

Topics: Blood Vessels, Heart, Hematopathology, Red Blood Cell Disorders, lung, head, neck, Gastrointestinal Tract, liver, biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, lower urinary tract, male genital system, female genital tract, breast, endocrine system, skin, bones, joints, soft tissue muscle, Central Nervous System, eye

Analgesia in the Emergency Department

Author: Mark Graber

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAESTHESIA600

Topics: Pain Scale, pain control, Oral Narcotics, Morphine, meperidine, Diazepam, midazolam, Musculoskeletal pain, Ketorolac, NSAIDs, headache, Acute Abdomen, Urolithiasis, Biliary colic, Shoulder dislocations, intubation, ketamine


Administration, Social and Management science image

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine image

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities image

Arts and Humanities

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Engineering image


General studies image

General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science image

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology image

Science and Technology