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Electrical Charge Books

Introduction to Engineering material

Author: EGR101

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EGR101

Topics: Engineering, Nigerian society of engineers, COREN, Agricultural and bioresources engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, closed loop control, mechanical engineering, metallurigical and materials engineering

Probability Theory, 2nd edition

Author: Achim Klenke

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA121, STA221, ACC401, BUS426, ECN104, ECN207, MEE442, PHY432, AEF204

Topics: measure theory, independence, integral, moments, laws of large numbers, convergence theorem, Lp-Spaces, Radon–Nikodym Theorem, Conditional Expectations, martingale, optional sampling theorem, Martingale Convergence Theorem, Backwards Martingale, exchangeability, De Finetti's theorem, convergence of measures, Characteristic Function, Central Limit Theorem, Infinitely Divisible Distribution, markov chains, Electrical Network, Ergodic Theory, Brownian motion, iterated logarithm, large deviations, Poisson point process, Itô Integral, Stochastic Differential Equations

Essentials of physical chemistry

Author: Arun Bhal, BS Bahl, GD Tuli

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM212

Topics: atom, isotope, isobar, atom-classical mechanics, atom-wave mechanical approach, nuclear chemistry, chemical bonding, thermodynamics, gaseous state, liquid state, solid state, chemical constitution, solutions, dilute solutions, osmosis, osmotic pressure, chemical equilibrium, distribution law, phase rule, chemical kinetics, catalysis, colloids, adsorption, electrolysis, electrical conductance, electrolytic dissociation, ionic equilibria-solubility product, acid, base, salt hydrolysis, electromotive force, photo chemistry, SI Units, mathematical concepts

Electronic properties of materials

Author: Paul Nnamchi

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EGR201

Topics: Electronic properties, Conductors, dielectric materials, Insulators, dielectrics, semiconductors, Insulator Energy Bands, band theory, Semiconductor Energy Bands, Electrical Conductivity, Doped Semiconductors, metal, alloy

Millers Anesthesia ,2-Volume Set

Author: Michael Gropper, Lars Eriksson, Lee Fleisher, Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, Neal Cohen, Kate Leslie

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Modern Anesthetic Practice, Perioperative Medicine, Anesthesia Practice, Patient Simulation, Anesthesia Care, ANESTHETIC PHYSIOLOGY, Consciousness, Memory, Anesthesia, Sleep Medicine, Cerebral Physiology, Anesthetic Drugs, Neuromuscular Physiology, Pharmacology, Inhaled Anesthetics, Inhaled Anesthetic Pharmacokinetics, Pulmonary Pharmacology, Inhaled Anesthetics, Opioids, Nonopioid Pain Medications, Intravenous Drug Delivery Systems, Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs, Neuromuscular Blockade, Local Anesthetics, ANESTHESIA MANAGEMENT, Preoperative Evaluation, Cardiovascular Monitoring, Perioperative Echocardiography, Implantable Cardiac Pulse Generators, Pacemakers, Cardioverter, Defibrillators, Neurologic Monitoring, Monitoring Brain State, Respiratory Monitoring, Perioperative Ischemia, Nephrotoxic Injury, Neuromuscular Monitoring, Airway Management, Spinal Anesthesia, Epidural Anesthesia, Caudal Anesthesia, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Perioperative Fluid, Electrolyte Therapy, Perioperative Acid-Base Balance, Patient Blood Management, Transfusion Therapy, Coagulation, Palliative Medicine, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiac Surgical Procedures, Cardiac Catherization, Electroconversion, Vascular Surgery, Neurologic Surgery, Neurointerventions, Bariatric Surgery, Organ Transplantation, Organ Procurement, Obstetrics, Fetal Surgery, Fetal Theraphy, Orthopaedic Surgery, Geriatric Anesthesia, Emergency Care, prehospital care, trauma, Anesthesiologist, Ophthalmic Surgery, Otolaryngologic Surgery, Head-Neck Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Ambulatory Surgery, Outpatient Surgery, Non-Operating Room Anesthesia, PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Pediatric Intensive Care, Neonatal Intensive Care, POSTOPERATIVE CARE, Postanesthesia Care Unit, Acute Postoperative Pain, Cognitive Dysfunction, CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, Critical Care Anesthesiology, Neurocritical Care, Electrical Burns

Clinical Anesthesia ,Eight edition

Author: Paul Barash, Bruce Cullen, Robert Stoelting, Michael Cahalan, Christian stock, Rafael Ortega, Sam Sharar, Natalie Holt

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Occupational Health, Anesthetic Risk, electrical safety, fire safety, Perioperative Medicine, Inflammation, Wound Healing, Infection, Consciousness, Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiac Anatomy, Cardiac Physiology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Autonomic Nervous System Anatomy, Autonomic Nervous System Physiology, Fluids, Electrolytes, Acid–Base Physiology, Hemostasis, Transfusion Medicine, ANESTHETIC DRUGS, ADJUVANTS, Inhaled Anesthetics, Intravenous Anesthetics, Opioids, Neuromuscular Blocking Agents, Local Anesthetics, PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT, PERIOPERATIVE MONITORING, Preoperative Patient Assessment, Preoperative Patient Management, Rare Coexisting Diseases, Anesthesia Workstation, Echocardiography, ANESTHETIC MANAGEMENT, Airway Management, Patient Positioning, Potential Injuries, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Office-based Anesthesia, Nonoperating Room Anesthesia, Neuraxial Anesthesia, Peripheral Nerve Blockade, ANESTHESIA SUBSPECIALITY CARE, Anesthesia for Neurosurgery, Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery, Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery, Endovascular Surgery, Vascular surgery, Obstetric Anesthesia, Neonatal Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, Robotic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, Endocrine Function, obesity, liver, Otolaryngologic Surgery, Ophthalmologic Surgery, renal system, Urologic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Transplant Anesthesia, Trauma, Burns, POSTANESTHETIC MANAGEMENT, CRITICAL CARE, PAIN MANAGEMENT, Postanesthesia Recovery, Acute Pain Management, Chronic Pain Management, Critical Care Medicine, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Fundamentals of Engineering Materials

Author: Adebisi

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GET212

Topics: material engineering, material science, performance, ceramics, polymers, composites, advanced materials, semiconductors, biomaterials, nanomaterials, thermal property, electrical property, optical property, magnetic property, nanotechnology

All-inclusive calculations in physics for senior secondary schools

Author: Solomon Dauda



Course Code: PHYSICS

Topics: speed, velocity, acceleration, linear expansivity, electrical energy, power, scalar, vector, projectiles, equilibrium of forces, linear momentum, gas laws, waves, light waves, reflection, sound waves, gravitational field, electric field, static electricity, current electricity, electrolysis, magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, energy quantization, wave-particle paradox, radioactivity, nuclear reaction

Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change ,9th edition

Author: Martin Silberberg, Patricia Amateis

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM112

Topics: Chemistry, matter, Stoichiometry, Chemical Reactions, Kinetic-Molecular Theory, Thermochemistry, Quantum Theory, Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, Chemical Periodicity, chemical bonding, Shapes of Molecules, covalent bonding, Intermolecular Forces, Periodic Patterns, Organic Compounds, carbon, chemical reactions, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, Acid-Base Equilibria, Ionic Equilibria, Thermodynamics, Entropy, Free Energy, Reaction Direction, Electrochemistry, Chemical Change, Electrical Work, Transition Elements, nuclear reactions

Principles of General Chemistry ,3rd edition

Author: Martin Silberberg

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101, CHM112, CHM122

Topics: matter, chemical reactions, gases, Kinetic Molecular Theory, Thermochemistry, Energy Flow, Chemical Change, Quantum Theory, Atomic Structure, Electron Configuration, Chemical Periodicity, Chemical Bonding, Shapes of Molecules.Covalent Bonding, Intermolecular Forces, Periodic Patterns, solutions, Organic Compounds, carbon, Mechanisms of Chemical Reactions, Acid-Base Equilibria, Ionic Equilibria, Thermodynamics, Entropy, Free Energy, Electrochemistry, Chemical Change, Electrical Work, Transition Element, Nuclear Reactions


Administration, Social and Management science image

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine image

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities image

Arts and Humanities

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Engineering image


General studies image

General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science image

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology image

Science and Technology