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Textbook of pathology ,Seventh Edition

Author: Harsh Mohan

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: PATHOLOGY

Topics: Cell Injury, Cellular Adaptations, Cellular Ageing, Immunopathology, Amyloidosis, immune system, immunity, inflammation, healing, infectious disease, parasitic diseases, neoplasia, environmental disease, nutritional disease, genetic diseases, paediatric diseases, Haematopoietic System, Disorders of Erythroid Series, Disorders of Platelets, Bleeding Disorders, Transfusion Medicine, Disorders of Leucocytes, Lymphoreticular Tissues, Blood Vessels, Lymphatics, systemic pathology, heart, VASCULITIS, ANEURYSMS, heart failure, Congenital heart disease, Ischaemic heart disease, Hypertensive heart disease, Cor pulmonale, Rheumatic fever, RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE, NON-BACTERIAL THROMBOTIC ENDOCARDITIS, MYOCARDIAL DISEASES, PERICARDIAL DISEASES, PAEDIATRIC LUNG DISEASE, PULMONARY VASCULAR DISEASE, PULMONARY INFECTIONS, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE, CHRONIC RESTRICTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE, lung tumor, DISEASES OF PLEURA, eye, ear, ENT, Neck, Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands, ORAL SOFT TISSUES, TEETH, PERIODONTAL TISSUES, Gastrointestinal Tract, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, appendix, large bowel, peritoneum, Liver, Biliary Tract, Exocrine Pancreas, Kidney, Lower Urinary Tract, Male Reproductive System, Prostate, TESTIS, EPIDIDYMIS, penis, Female Genital Tract, MYOMETRIUM, ENDOMETRIUM, fallopian tube, ovary, plcenta, NON-NEOPLASTIC CONDITIONS, breast tumor, Dermatosis, DERMATOSES, tumors, tumor-like lesion, skin, PITUITARY GLAND, adrenal GLAND, thyroid, parathyroid GLAND, endocrine pancreas, endocrine system, skeletal system, joints, skeletal muscles, Soft Tissue Tumours, nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system

Anatomy and physiology of the eye

Author: TS Oluleye

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Bony orbit, orbit walls, external eye, lid eversion, extraocular muscles, ocular blood supply, nerve supply, facial nerve, eyelid anatomy, cornea, uvea, aqueous drainage, lens anatomy, vitreous, retina, visual pathway, blink reflex pathway, tear production, tear drainage, aqueous dynamics, pupillary reflex, lens metabolism, accomodatio, presbyopia, corneal transparency, ptosis, entropion, corneal opacity, normal lens, cataract, normal disc, glaucoma

Introductory Lecture I

Author: Ophthalmology

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science



Ophthalmology MCCQE Review Notes and Lecture Series

Author: JH Fowler, Philip Dopp, Asif Salyani

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: CONJUNCTIVA, OCULAR EXAMINATION, SCLERA, OPTICS, cornea, UVEAL TRACT, orbit, lacrimal apparatus, lymph nodes, eye lid, eye lashes, globe, lens, retina, vitreous, blurred optic disc margin, glaucoma, pupils, strabismus, pediatric Ophthalmology, ocular trauma, NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY, OCULAR EMERGENCIES, INTRAOCULAR MALIGNANCIES, OCULAR TOXICITY, Pinguecula, Pterygium, Subconjuctival Hemorrhage, Conjunctivitis, Bacterial Conjunctivitis, Viral Conjunctivitis, Chlamydia Conjunctivitis, Allergic Conjuctivitis, Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis, Vernal Conjunctivitis, Vision Assessment, Anterior Chamber Depth, pupils, Extraocular Muscles, Slit-Lamp Examination, Tonometry, Ophthalmoscopy, Fundoscopy, Episcleritis, Scleritis, Scleromalacia Perforans, Blue Sclerae, Staphyloma, Emmetropia, Refractive Errors, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, Presbyopia, Anisometropia, Refractive Eye Surgery, Corneal Abrasion, Recurrent Erosions, Corneal Ulcers, Herpes Simplex Keratitis, Herpes Zoster, Keratoconus, Arcus Senilis, Kayser-Fleischer Rings, Exophthalmos, Proptosis, Enophthalmos, Preseptal Cellulitis, Orbital Cellulitis, Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca, Dacryocystitis, Dacryoadenitis, Epiphora, Lid Swelling, Trichiasis, Entropion, Ectropion, Hordeolum, Chalazion, Blepharitis, Xanthelasma, Lid Carcinoma, Uveitis, Endophthalmitis, Cataract, Dislocated Lens, Vitreous Hemorrhage, Central Retinal Artery Occlusion, Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion, retina, Central Retinal Vein Occlusion, Retinal Detachment, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Roth Spots, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Myelinated Nerve Fibres, drusen, Primary Open Angle Glaucoma, Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma, Secondary Open Angle Glaucoma, Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma, Normal Pressure Glaucoma, Congenital Glaucoma, Tropia, phoria, Paralytic Strabismus, non-Paralytic Strabismus, Leukocoria, Nasolacrimal System Defects, Ophthalmia Neonatorum, rubella, blunt trauma, Penetrating Trauma, Hyphema, Blow Out Fractures, Sympathetic Ophthalmia, Visual Field Defects, Bitemporal Hemianopsia, Homonymous Hemianopsia, Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia, Nystagmus

Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms Signs of Surgical Disease 4th Edition

Author: Norman Browse, John Black, Kevin Burnand, William Thomas

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: S1, S3, S3

Topics: History taking, clinical examination, major injuries, skin, subcutaneous tissues, Muscles, tendons, bones, joints, hand, feet, arteries, veins, lymphatics, facial appearance, salivary glands, mouth, neck, breast, external genitalia, abdominal wall, herniae, umbilicus, abdomen, kidneys, urinary tract, prostate, rectum, anal canal

The eye

Author: Nto Nto Johnson

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAT

Topics: adnexa, orbit, lacrimal fossa, eyelids, muscles of the eye ball

The posterior abdominal wall

Author: Nto Nto Johnson

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAT

Topics: bony framework of the abdomen, lliac fascia, Thoracolumbar fascia, Muscles of the Post. Abdominal Wall, Psoas Major

The tongue

Author: Nto Nto Johnson

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAT

Topics: Parts of the tongue, Surfaces of the tongue, Muscles of the tongue, Blood supply to the tongue, Lymphatic drainage of the tongue, Innervation of the tongue, Applied Anatomy

Color Atlas of anatomy (A Photographic Study of the Human Body), 7th edition

Author: J Rohen, yokochi, lutjen-drecoll

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANATOMY

Topics: general anatomy, head, neck, cranial nerves, skull, muscles of the head, trunk, thoraic organs, abdominal organs, retroperitoneal organs, upper limb, lower limb



School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAT

Topics: SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE, Superficial fascia, Superficial vessels and nerves (Dermertomes)Deep fascia (Fascia Lata), Tensor Fascia Latae, Iliotibial tract, Lymphatic drainage, Femoral triangle, Adductor Canal, Muscles of the Anterior Compartment, Patella, Vessels an


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