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Tourism Entrepreneurship

Author: Ernest Okwuonu

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: TSM442

Topics: Tourism Entrepreneurship, Tourism expenditure, Sustainable Tourism Development, Entrepreneurial Team Role, Tourism entrepreneurial services, Strategic Management, Information Technology, entrepreneur tourism, international tourism, Tourism Consumption Expenditure

Dairy Microbiology Handbook The Microbiology of Milk and Milk Products, 3rd edition

Author: Richard Robinson

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP303

Topics: Dairy Microbiology, milk microbiology, milk product microbiology, milk composition, milk components, milk processing, raw milk microflora, market milk microbiology, cream microbiology, butter microbiology, Condensed milk, Evaporated Milk, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Retentate, dried milk powder production, Manufacturing Processes, dried milk microflora, ice cream, Starter Culture Technology, Lactic Fermentations, Yeast-Lactic Fermentations, Mold-Lactic Fermentations, soft cheeses, Starter Bacteria, Smear-Ripened Cheeses, cheese spoilage, waste disposal, water supplies microbial control

Human Genetics, 12th edition

Author: Ricki Lewis

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP312

Topics: Human Genetics, genomics, genomes, cells, cell components, cell division, cell death, stem cells, human microbiome, transmission genetics, meiosis, development, aging, reproductive system, gametes, prenatal development, birth defects, maturation, pedigree analysis, Mendel's law, mitochondrial genes, Sex-influenced traits, DNA structure, DNA replication, Sequencing DNA, multifactorial traits, genes, behavior, sleep, intelligence, intellectual disability, drug addiction, mood disorders, Schizophrenia, autism, Gene action, protein translation, gene expression, epigenetics, gene mutation, allelic diseases, population genetics, Constant Allele Frequencies, Nonrandom Mating, genetic drift, mutation, natural selection, eugenics, human ancestry, human origins, immunity genetics, human immune system, altering immunity, abnormal immunity, patenting DNA, modifying DNA, monitoring gene function, gene silencing, genome edition, genetic technology, genetic testing, genetic treatment, genetic counselling, Treating Genetic Disease, cancer genetics, reproductive technologies, infertility, subfertility, assisted reproductive technologies, extra embryos, personal genome sequencing

Fisheries practical manual

Author: AFS NOUN

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFS401

Topics: Fisheries practical manual, fish biology, Ichthyology, limnology, fisheries ecology, aquatic flora, fish farming technique, hatchery management, fish nutrition, fishing gear technology, fish parasites, fish diseases, oceanography, ornamental fisheries, aquaria design

Communication for Rural Innovation, 3rd edition

Author: Cees Leeuwis

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEM503

Topics: Communication, Rural Innovation, perceived self-efficacy, knowledge, perception, information, ignorance, social learning, individual learning, mutual interdependence, interpersonal communication, advisory communication, mass media campaigns, entertainment, open space technology, visual diagramming, visual mapping, information systems thinking

Poultry production

Author: OA Adebiyi

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP501

Topics: Poultry production, Nigeria Poultry industry, Poultry Production Systems, Poultry products Utilisation, Poultry Egg Production, Hatchery Management, Pullet Farm Management, Poultry Meat Production, Broiler Chicken Production, Broiler Chicken Marketing, Egg Formation, egg Morphology, Chick Transport, Deep litter system, poultry Slaughtering bird Evisceration, live poultry marketing, Incubators, Hatchery Buildings, egg transfer, Hatchery Waste Disposal, hatcher operation, chick pull, Layer Breeds, Layer Poultry Farming, broilers, feeding broilers, Brooding, brooder guards, brooder rings, Debeaking, Blackhead Disease, Histomoniasis, Haemorrhagic Enteritis, Erysipelas, Ostrich Production, Goose Production, Guinea Fowl Production, Quail Production, quail breeds, egg science, egg technology, Egg deformities, Avian Reproductive System, Poultry Equipment, Poultry appliances

Gender Issues in Agriculture

Author: ARD NOUN

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ARD513

Topics: Gender, gender framework, gender theories, Gender access to credit facilities, Gender roles in agricultural labour, Gender access to appropriate technology, Gender issues in rural travel and transport, culture, social class, social mobility, rural-urban dichotomy

Communication for Business

Author: Michael Okenimkpe

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG316

Topics: Business communication, business letter, business report, business meetings minutes, communication, Modern Business Communication technology, Effective Communication barriers


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Administration, Social and Management science

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Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

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Arts and Humanities

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General studies

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Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

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Science and Technology