Biology (JAMB) scoreboard
Gbolagade David

Gbolagade David

Score: 100/100

Written on: 7:59-am January 12, 2023

Adams John Omaye

Adams John Omaye

Score: 100/100

Written on: 6:11-pm January 27, 2024

Olaitan Ibiyemi

Olaitan Ibiyemi

Score: 98/100

Written on: 7:28-am July 21, 2022

Opara Abigail

Opara Abigail

Score: 98/100

Written on: 12:23-pm April 15, 2024

Salami Ahmed

Salami Ahmed

Score: 68/100

Written on: 6:10-am April 28, 2022

Iradia Osayande

Iradia Osayande

Score: 68/100

Written on: 6:39-am May 16, 2023



Score: 66/100

Written on: 6:21-am April 17, 2022

Paul Uwenbor

Paul Uwenbor

Score: 66/100

Written on: 3:36-am November 11, 2022



Score: 64/100

Written on: 9:27-pm April 26, 2022

Biology (JAMB) Questions


Which of the following characterizes a mature plant cell?


Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a cell?


The dominant phase in the life cycle of a fern is the?


Parental care is exhibited by


Which of the following groups of cells is devoid of true nuclei


.Which of the following is true of the transverse section of a dicot system?


Which of the following is lacking in the diet of a person with kwashiorkor?


The mode of nutrition of sun dew and bladder wort can be described as


When the mixture of a food substance and Benedict's solution was warmed, the solution changed from blue to black-red.
This indicates the presence of


The primary structure responsible for pumping blood for circulation through the mammalian circulatory systems is the


Circulation of blood to all parts of the body except the lungs is through


Yeast respires anaerobically to convert simple sugar to carbon (IV) oxide and


The sheet of muscle that separates the thoracic and the abdominal cavities is the


The oily substance that lubricates the mammalian hair to keep it flexible and water repellent is secreted by the


The outer layer of the kidney where the Bowman's capsules are found is the


Which of the following stimuli is likely to elicit a nastic response in an organism?


In the male reproductive system of a mammal, sperm is stored in the


Chemosynthetic organisms are capable of manufacturing their food from simple inorganic substances through the process of


The part of the human gut that has an acidic content is the


I. Stomata Spirogyro
II. Alveoli Earthworm
III. Malpighian tubule Mammal IV.
IV. Contractile vacuole → Protozoa.
Which of the above structures is correctly matched with the organisms in which it is found?


A food chain always begins with a


Mycorrhizae promote plant growth by


The barrier between maternal and foetal blood is the


The blood component that has the greatest affinity for oxygen is the


Which of the following organisms is mainly found in the marine habitat?


The two halves of the pelvic girdle are joined together at the


I. Adoption of appropriate nocturnal habits
II. Burrowing
III. Adjusting their internal body temperature.
IV. Possession of many sweat pores.
Which of the above are ways in which desert animals adapt to extreme heat of the environment?


.Low annual rainfall, sparse vegetation, high diurnal temperatures and cold nights are characteristic features of the


.The activity of an organism which affects the survival of another organism
in the same habitat constitutes


The average number of individuals of a species per unit area of the habitat is the


The vector for yellow fever is


The loss of soil through erosion can be reduced by


The protozoan plasmodium falciparum is transmitted by


A dilute solution of phenylthiocarbamide tastes bitter to some people and is tasteless to others. This is an example of


Thyroxine and adrenalin are examples of hormones which control


A pair of genes that control a trait is referred to as


The chromosome number of a cell before and after the process of meiosis is conventionally represented as


If both parents are heterozygous for a trait, the probability that an offspring will be recessive for that trait is


At what stage in the life history of a mammal is the sex of an individual set?


The main distinguishing features between the soldier termite and other members of the caste are the


The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish are examples of


The function of the red head in male Agama lizards is to


In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual the smallest?


Seed plants are divided into


In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care mostly exhibited?


The adaptive importance of nuptial flight from termite colonies is to


Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?


Which of the following is true of leucocytes?


The conversion of a nutrient into a molecule in the body of a consumer is referred to as


The ability of living organism to detect and respond to changes in the
environment is referred to as