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Dr smart questions on Humanities past question for the year 2019 examines 100-level General studies students of UNIZIK, NAU, offering GSS105 course on their knowledge of Humanities, art, language, death, history, science, culture, religion

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Past Questions related to Dr smart questions on Humanities

130 History and philosophy of science Revision questions compiled by lord pharuque,skendy

Year: 2019

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS311

Topics: Science, scientist, energy, fuel, blood, atom, computer, herb, food, microbe, hypothesis, test

Dr smart questions on Nigeria Peoples & Culture

Year: 2019

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS107

Topics: Nigeria Peoples, Nigeria Culture, government, federalism, language, culture, macroeconomics, Monetary policy, Globalization, music

Nigerian People and culture question and answers (Chapter 1 - 15)

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS107

Topics: religion, Christianity, Nigerian People, Nigerian culture, Igbo traditional political system, Igbo, federalism, Globalization, cultural survival, student responsibility, Igbo, fiscal operations, monetary policy, macroeconomic policy, social network, poverty, Yoruba

Introduction to igbo history,culture and literature-2013&2016

Year: 2016

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: IGB102

Topics: igbo history, igbo culture, igbo literature

Introduction to Nigerian History meal balanced diet edition

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS102

Topics: methodology of history, sources of Nigerian history, pre-colonial societies, scramble for africa, recolonization of Nigeria

Philosophy,Logic and Nigerian culture Module 1- 16 by omidan

Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS211

Topics: Philosophy, Logic, Nigerian culture, ageing, religion

Social sciences

Year: 2013

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: Civil society, psychology, trait theory, feminism, social science disciplines, social science, religion

Questions and answers on social science by dr smart

Year: 2020

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS106

Topics: social science, internet, media, information, communication, age, ageing, population, Gerontology, Alcoholism, Alcohol

Natural Science

Year: 2019

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP105, GSP106

Topics: Natural Science, Natural Science progarmme, environment, CELL THEORY, HEREDITY, EVOLUTION, matter, ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS, MIXTURES, SOLAR system, STELLAR SYSTEM, force, energy, wave, radiation, energy transformation, family, SECONDARY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT, responsible parenthood, METEOROLOGY, WEATHER FORECASTS

History and philosophy of science practice question and answer

Year: 2019

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS311

Topics: science, scientific method, revolution, scientific explanation, food spoilage, food preservation, matter, biomass

39 Use Of English Language & Communication Skills

Year: 2019

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST101

Topics: English Language, Communication Skills, listening, comprehension, reading

501 Philosophy,Logic and Nigerian culture questions and answers by plato

Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS211

Topics: Philosophy, logic, Nigerian culture

Nigerian people and culture questions by Dominic Akanimo

Year: 2018

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP208

Topics: Nigerian people, Nigerian culture, nationa norm, moral value, tourism, globalization, Nigerian Museum, Indigenship

Nigerian people and culture

Year: 2015

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSS107

Topics: Culture, kanuri, kingdom, political system, constitution

Books related to Dr smart questions on Humanities

Philosophy of Religion

Author: Sunday Ola-Oluwa Adenrele

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH233

Topics: Religion philosophy, Theodicy, theism, Theistic Arguments, Atheistic Theories, evil, life after death, science limitations, social change, Greek Philosophy, Religion, Anthropological Theory of Religion, Sociological Theory of Religion, Psychological Theory of Religion, Marxist Theory of Religion, Theological Theory of Religion, Functions of Religion, creation, Cosmic Evolution, Biological Evolution, conflict, conflict resolution, Islamic God, Christian God, Cosmological argument, Moral argument, Teleological argument, Atheism, Anthropodicy

Science Industry and Mankind & History and Philosophy of Science

Author: GES104, GST203

School: University of Ibadan

Department: General studies

Course Code: GES104, GST203

Topics: Science, Scientific Method, Scientific Theory, Scientific Law, Scientific Revolution, Philosophy of Science, Universe, Big Bang Theory, Quantum Cosmological Theory, Classical Physics, Modern Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Natural Resources, Energy Generation, Chemical Hazards, Radio-chemical Hazards, Radioactive Hazard, pollutant, HIV/AIDS

Social science perspectives to peace and conflict work book filler

Author: Prince Eloka Agana

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: social science, peace, conflict, social science research, social research, sociology, anthropology, sociological enquires, culture, anthropological theories, religion, social conflict, geography, human society, political science, politics, psychology, sensation, percepetion, economic systems, public administration, mass communication, social work, social problems

History and philosophy of science summary

Author: Anglican student fellowship UNILORIN

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS311

Topics: structure of science, scientific method, ethics of science, philosophy of science, scientific explanation, matter, renewable energy source, medical plant, tissue culture, food production, food preservation, poultry production, human nutrition, hypothesis, Geomorphological of Africa

Introduction to Nigerian history (Module 1)

Author: Comfort Onifade, OO Thompson

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS101

Topics: Teaching History, history, Challenges of Teaching History, Archaeology, Oral Tradition, Nigerian History, sources of history

Hutchison’s Clinical Methods An Integrated Approach to Clinical Practice,24th edition

Author: Michael Glynn, William Drake

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: M1, M2, M3

Topics: patient assessment, patient examination, differential diagnosis, Psychiatric assessment, Patients in pain, Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Locomotor system, Nervous system, Urogenital system, Endocrine disorder, metabolic disorder, Ear, nose, throat, Eyes, Skin, nails, hair, History taking, Drug history, pain, family history, Alcohol history, Retrospective history, Occupational history, Garrulous patients, Angry patients, Multiple causation, Resuscitation, Organ donation, Genetic counselling, genetics, Gynaecological history, Menstrual history, Pain history, Vaginal discharge, Sexual symptoms, obstetric history, Cervical cytology history, gynaecological history, Gynaecological examination, medical history, surgical history, anaesthetic history, Social history, Abdominal examination, Pelvic examination, Vaginal bleeding, Cervical smear, Vaginismus, Intact hymen, pregnancy, Speculum examination, Obstetric examination, Nutritional assessment

The Study of Language 7th edition

Author: George Yule

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: LIN101

Topics: origin of language, animal language, human language, sounds of language, sound patterns, word formation, morphology, grammar, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, first language acquisition, learning, gestures, sign languages, written language, language history, language change, culture

Psychology of Language ,5th edition

Author: David Carroll

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: LIN101

Topics: Psychology of Language, Linguistic Principles, Psycholinguistics, Language Comprehension, Perception of Language, internal lexicon, Sentence Comprehension, Discourse Comprehension, memory, Language Production, Conversational Interaction, Production of Speech, Language, speech production, Conversational Interaction, Language Acquisition, Early Language Acquisition, Later Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition process, cognition

Sociology of Religion

Author: Joseph Kwaghmande

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH352

Topics: Religion sociology, Religious beliefs, religion elements, religion theories, Belief systems, Religion and Culture, Religion and social change

A History of the English Language

Author: Michael Drout

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG409

Topics: English Language, semantics, signs, meanings, sound, sounds of language, sound shifts, sound history, syntax, words, Norman Conquest, modern English, Great Vowel Shift

Criminal Investigation The Art and the Science ,6th Edition

Author: Michael Lyman

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: CSS848

Topics: Criminal Investigation, Crime Scene, Processing Crime Scene, Criminal Suspects, Follow-Up Investigative Process, Obtaining Information, Interviews, Interrogations, Criminal Intelligence, Surveillance Operations, Management of Informants, Undercover Operations, Crimes Against Persons, Death Investigations, Robbery, Assault, Missing Persons, Abducted Persons, Child Abuse, Child Fatalities, Crimes Against Children, Crimes Against Property, Theft-Related Offenses, Arson, Bombings, Terrorism, Vice, Profit-Related Crime, Gangs, Organized Crime, Drugs, White-Collar Crime, Computer Crime, Prosecution, Preparation for Court

Language and Society

Author: Rotimi Taiwo

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG251

Topics: Language, Society, Language Varieties, dialect, accent, sociolect, Idiolect, register, style, Language Typologies, Linguistic Anthropology, Language Learning, language, Acquisition, Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Language Development, Language Policy, Language Planning, Language Maintenance, Language Shift, Language Death, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, code Switching, Interference, Borrowing, Linguistic Imperialism, Ecolect, Ethnolect

Language Use and Language Attitude

Author: Fadoro Jacob Oludare

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: LIN172

Topics: Language Use, Language Attitude, language dynamism, Language Purism, Linguistic Imperialism, Linguistic Pluralism, Language Attitude Research, Language Shift, Attributes of Language

Culture medium and preparation

Author: MCB UI

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB231

Topics: Culture medium, Culture preparation, liquid culture media, semi-solid culture media, solid culture media, Agar, synthetic culture media, minimal culture media, supplementary minimal culture media, enriched culture media, differential culture media, transport culture media

Introduction to the Study of Religion

Author: Ogungbile

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: CTH173

Topics: Study of Religion, religion etymology, defining religion, Religious Studies, Religious Pluralism, religion structure, Religious agencies, religious specialists, World Religious Traditions, myth, Ritual Practices, Life-After-Life, Euhemerism, Totemism, Religious diversity, Justified Belief

People and Culture

Author: Emeka Emmanuel Okafor

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: SOW302

Topics: Origin, Man, Existence, Creation, Earth, Human Culture, Characteristics of Culture, Nigerian Culture, Nigeria, Government, Leadership, Language, Literature, Art, Marriage, Family, Kinship, Social Stratification, Igbos, Hausa, Yoruba, Nupe, Ibibio, Ijaw, Urhobo, Inter-Ethnic Relations, Social Change

Peace and conflict studies

Author: Fidel Uzoigwe

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSP201

Topics: social science, research methodology, social science research, sociology, anthropology, religion, theology, maxist theory, geography, human society, political science, society, government, psychology, economics, public adminstration, ethics leadership, mass communication, social work, social problems, gender empowerment, governance, political participation, Globalization, african institutions

History of the English Language

Author: Ayo Osisanwo

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG409

Topics: English Language history, Language Families, language, Scandinavian Invasion, Norman Conquest, Old English Period, middle English Period, early modern English Period, printing technology, Great Vowel Shift, dictionary, english varieties, English Language

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, 2nd edition

Author: Douglas Brown

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ARA284

Topics: Language, Learning, Teaching, First Language Acquisition, Dispelling Myths, Hemispheric Lateralization, Anthropological Evidence, Human Learning, Individual Differences, Ambiguity Tolerance, Left-Brain dominance, Right-Brain Dominance, Autonomy, Awareness, Compensatory Strategies, Self-Esteem, Attribution Theory, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, Language, Culture, Identity, Teaching Intercultural Competence, Communicative Competence speech acts, Language Functions, Interactional Competence, discourse analysis, Written Discourse, Intercultural Rhetoric, Pragmatics, Sociopragmatics, Pragmalinguistics, Corpus Analysis, Nonverbal Communication, Kinesics, Interlanguage, Learner Language, learner errors, error Treatment

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 2nd edition

Author: Jack Richards, Theodore Rodgers

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ARA284

Topics: Language Teaching Approaches, Language Teaching Methods, audiolingual method, community language learning, suggestopedia, whole language, multiple intelligence, neurolinguistics programming, cooperative language learning, content-based instruction, task-based language teaching