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Communication 1 past question for the year 2020 examines 400-level Engineering students of FUTO, offering COE411 course on their knowledge of Communication, source coding, channel coding, parity checker, communication engineering, Huffman coding, sine wave, arbitrary waveform, frequency deviation, sampling theorem, coding, Carlon's rule, signal to noise ratio, Nyquist sampling theorem, root mean square quantization noise voltage

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Past Questions related to Communication 1

Principles of electronic communication

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE318

Topics: Electronic communication, digital signal, analogue signal, digital modulation, analogue modulation, Shannon limit, ASK techniques, signal quantization, digital modulation techniques, bit rate, Nyquist sampling theorem, modulation index, radio wave propagation, radiation pattern, antenna efficiency, wave, antenna parameter

Communication 1

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE411

Topics: Signal processing, Sampling, Quantization, Double band signal, OFDM, CDMA, Modulation, coding, entropy, code modulated system

Microwave communication system

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE504

Topics: Microwave communication system, microwave design, fresnel zone, microwave system application, satellite, downlink carrier-to-noise ration, overall system carrier-to-noise ratio, satellite transponder system, FDMA Network, satellite anatomy, Radio frequency combiner, satellite communication system, microwave communication system, microwave link

Communication engineering studio 2

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE503

Topics: Communication engineering studio, intercom system, side tone connection, communication process, transmission media, communication setup, communication system software, honey spot, service denial, eavesdropping, spoof, information leakage, data lose, hardware failure, telephone system, full duplex communications, wireless communication, telephone system side tone connection, communication systems software, information protection strategies, Antenna, Antenna radiation patterns, optical fiber, Friis transmission formula, communication systems security, communication systems protection

Industrial electronics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ECE509

Topics: Industrial electronics, full wave rectifier, half wave rectifier, thyristor, transistors, shot noise, white noise, voltage regulators, waveguide, external noise, noise temperature, microwave, thermal noise, forward breakover voltage, holding current, gate trigger current, RMS load current


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE504

Topics: attenuation, fresnci zone, micro wave, satellite, semiconductor, communication system, frequency diversity, antenna, noise power ratio

Statistical analysis in Engineering research

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ABE322

Topics: Statistical analysis, Engineering research, cumulative frequency, relative frequency, descriptive statistics, sampling, mean, mode, median, mean deviation, standard deviation, point estimation, interval estimation, experimental design, response variable


Year: 2013

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE 318

Topics: modulating frequency, channel, carrier frequency, frequency, antenna, FM, AM


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE318

Topics: antenna, communication system, wave propagation, communication, modulator, noise, modulation

Data communications

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE513

Topics: Data communication, fibre optic cable, communication protocol, ping signal, TCP sliding window, packet tracer, NVRAM, data communication network, packer-switching, TRACERT, switches, routers, LAN topologies, circuit switching, packet switching, IP address, MAC address, backbone network, dedicated virtual private network, asymmetrical internet access, symmetrical internet access, broadband access

Principles of Radio and tv broadcasting

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE509

Topics: Radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, imagine frequency, superheterodyne receiver, automatic gain control, demodulator, mixers, amplifiers, spurious emissions, ganging, tracking, sensitivity, selectivity, speckling, halo graphics recording, video signal, spherical aberration, vestigial sideband signal, flicker noise, transistor thermal noise, image frequency, Halo graphic recording, plumbicon, vidicon, image orthicon

Communication studio 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE413

Topics: Communication studio, AM detectors, transmitter, FM, Narrow band FM wave generation, FM transmitters, FM transmitter, demodulating FM Wave, FM transmitter design

Open channel hydraulics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: SWE405

Topics: Open channel hydraulics, open channel flow, pipe flow, lined canal water carrying capacity, mean flow velocity, lined canal trapezoidal, permissible velocity range, Manning's coefficient, critical depth, critical velocity, trapezoidal grassed channel design

Analogue Electronics

Year: 2021

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE306

Topics: Analogue Electronics, bipolar junction transistor, NPN transistor, PNP transistor, PN junction, forward bias PN junction, reverse bias PN junction, depletion region, potential barrier, built-in potential, voltage regulating circuits, voltage block operations, voltage boost operation, over voltage, under voltage, operational amplifier

Books related to Communication 1

Communication Systems Engineering, 2nd Edition

Author: John Proakis, Masoud Salehi

School: Edo University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CPE312

Topics: Communication Systems Engineering, Electrical Communication System, Communication Channel, frequency domain analysis, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Bandlimited Signals sampling, bandpass signals, analog signal transmission, modulation, amplitude modulation, Conventional Amplitude Modulation, angle modulation, radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, mobile radio systems, random processes, Gaussian Processes, White Processes, Bandlimited Processes, Bandpass Processes, Linear-Modulation Systems, information sources, source coding, source-coding theorem, Source-Coding Algorithms, Rate-Distortion Theory, quantization, Analysis-Synthesis Techniques, waveform coding, Digital Audio Transmission, Digital Audio Recording, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Two-dimensional Signal Waveforms, Multidimensional Signal Waveforms, White Gaussian Noise, Symbol Synchronization, Bandlimited Channels, Digitally Modulated Signals, channel; capacity, channel coding, linear block code, cyclic codes, Convolutional Codes, wireless communications, Continuous Carrier-Phase Modulation, Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems, Digital Cellular Communication Systems

Vector Quantization and Signal Compression

Author: Allen Gersho, Robert Gray

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CIT891

Topics: Vector Quantization, Signal Compression, random proocesses, linear systems, probability, sampling, periodic sampling, linear prediction, Elementary Estimation Theory, Finite-Memory Linear Prediction, Levinson-Durbin Algorithm, Minimum Delay Property, scalar coding, Scalar Quantization, Predictive Quantization, Delta Modulation, Difference Quantization, Bit Allocation, Transform Coding, Karhunen-Loeve Transform, Performance Gain of Transform Coding, entropy coding, Variable-Length Scalar Noiseless Coding, huffman coding, Vector Entropy Coding, Ziv-Lempel Coding, Constrained Vector Quantization, Predictive Vector Quantization, Finite-State Vector Quantization, Tree and Trellis Encoding, Adaptive Vector Quantization, Variable Rate Vector Quantization

Digital Communication

Author: OD Adeniji

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CSC222

Topics: Digital Communication, Communication Error Correction, Information Compression Error, Information Compression, Data Compression, data Coding, Huffman Coding Algorithm, Error Correction, Linear Block Codes, noise, convolutional coding, Viterbi decoding of convolutional codes, Systematic Code, Convolution Codes, Hamming Codes, Convolutional Codes, Convolutional Code Construction, Parity Equations, Shift-Register View, State-Machine View, Decoding Problem, Viterbi Decoder, Soft-Decision Decoding, Signal to Noise Ratio, linear Time-Invariant Systems, Baseband Signal, Modulation, Demodulation, Baseband Channel, Linear Time-Invariant Models, Baseband Channel Model, Signal Spectra, Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Fourier Transform, Discrete-Time Fourier Series, Fourier Series, Channel Distortions, Binary Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, Media Access Protocols, Shared Media Satellite communications, Satellite communications, Time Division Multiple Access, ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access, Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, Little’s Law, Network Routing, Routing, Broadcast routing, Routing Protocol, Reliable Data Transport Protocols

Solutions manual Communication Systems Engineering, 2nd edition

Author: John Proakis, Masoud Salehi, Evangelos Zervas

School: Edo University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CPE312

Topics: Communication Systems Engineering, frequency domain analysis, analog signal transmission, analog signal reception, random processes, white Gaussian noise channel, digital transmission, channel capacity, channel coding, wireless communications

Quantitative techniques in business, management and finance a case-study approach

Author: Umeshkumar Dubey, DP Kothari, GK Awari

School: Modibbo Adama University of Technology

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MM307

Topics: Quantitative Decision Making, Quantitative Techniques, data collection, statistical methods, Quantitative Methods.Arranging Data, published data, unplublished data, primary data, Data Presentation Devices, Frequency Distribution, graphs, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curve, Cumulative Frequency Distribution, Skewness, Kurtosis, Measures of Central Tendency, Arithmetic Mean, median, quantile, mode, variation, range, mean deviation, average deviation, standard deviation, variance, Bienayme–Chebyshev Rule, Probability Theory, Probability, Probability Rules, Conditional Probability, Set Theory, Venn Diagram, Statistical Decision Theory, Decision Theory, determinants, Business Decision Theory, Stochastic Business Situation, Linear Programming, Linear Programming Problem, Sampling Theory, Sampling Methods, sampling, Simple Random Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling, Systematic Random Sampling, Quasi-Random Sampling, Interval Sampling, Cluster Sampling, Multi-Stage Random Sampling, area sampling, quota sampling, error, Hypothesis Testing, Probability Distributions, Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution, Normal Probability Distribution, t-Test, Chi-Square Test, Business Forecasting, Correlation Analysis.Correlation, Regression Analysis, Regression, Least-Squares Method, Standard Error of Estimate, Multiple Regressions, Time Series Analysis, Seasonal Variations, Cyclical Variations, business cycle, Irregular Variations, Random Movements, Unpredictable Movements, Erratic Variations, Accidental Variations, Research Methodology, Research Approach

Engineering Mathematics ,Eighth Edition

Author: John Bird

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG307, EN308

Topics: Number, algebra, area, volume, trignometry, graph, complex number, vector, statistics, differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equation, irregular area, Trigonometric waveforms, Cartesian co-ordinates, polar co-ordinates, compund angles, straight line graphs, De Moivre’s theorem, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, probability, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, Linear correlation, Linear regression, Sampling, estimation theories, Maclaurin’s series, implicit functions, Logarithmic differentiation, Standard integration, Integration by parts, partial fraction, Numerical integration, Mean square value, root mean square value, centroid

Signals and Systems ,3rd edition

Author: Anand Kumar

School: University of Uyo

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ELE322

Topics: Signals, unit step function, unit ramp function, unit parabolic function, unit impulse function, sinusoidal signal, time shifting, signal analysis, Fourier series, wave symmetry, Fourier spectrum, Gibbs phenomenon, Continuous-time Fourier series, Fourier transform, signal transmission, convolution, time convolution, theorem, signal comparison, energy density spectrum, power density spectrum, density function, sampling, sampling theorem, Anti-Aliasing filter, data reconstruction, Laplace transforms, waveform synthesis, Z-transform, system realization, discrete-time Fourier transform


Author: EEE

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE411

Topics: Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access, OFDMA, OFDM

Principles of Mobile Communication, 4th edition

Author: Gordon Stüber

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ELE511, COE407

Topics: cellular systems, wireless systems, wireless standards, propagation modeling, co-channel interference, modulation, power spectrum, error probability, multi-antenna techniques, MIMO, Time domain equalization, interference calculation, error control coding, spread spectrum techniques, multi-carrier techniques, frequency planning techniques, CDMA cellular systems, channel assignment techniques

Amplitude modulation concept

Author: G.N EZEH

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE318

Topics: Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, frequency carrier, carrier frequency, sine wave, modulating signal, amplitude modulator, modulation index, over modulation, distortion

Pulse Modulation

Author: Ezema

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: COE318

Topics: digital signal, Pulse-code modulation, sampling, Nyquist theorem, Quantization, Bit rate, bandwidth

Control System Engineering, second edition

Author: Nagoor Kani

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE307, MCE312

Topics: Mathematical model, time response analysis, time response, test signal, impulse response, order of a system, partial fraction expansion, Response of first order system, Response of second order system, time domain specification, steady state error, static error constant, error coefficient, automatic control system, controller, time response analysis, frequency response, sinusoidal transfer function, transfer function, frequency domain, frequency response plot, Bode plot, Magnitude plot, phase plot, Nichols plot, M-circle, N-circle, Nichols chart, Bounded input Bounded output stability, root locus, Routh Hurwitz criterion, Nquist plot, open loop system, closed loop system, mechanical translational system, Laplace transform, mechanical rotational system, electrical system, analogous circuit, block diagram, signal flow graph

Basic Electrical Engineering ,2nd edition

Author: UA Bakshi, VU Bakshi

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE211

Topics: Electricity, charge, DC Circuits, Network terminology, electrical networks, energy source, Ohm's law, short circuit, open circuit, source transformation, Kirchhoff's law, Cramer's rule, star and delta connection, superposition theorem, Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, maximium power transfer theorem, loop current, magnetic circuit, magnetic flux, pole strength, permeability, magnetomotive force, magnetic circuits, electromagnetic induction, electrostatics, electric flux, capacitor, AC waveform, phasor, impedance, capacitance reactance, complex power, star delta, transformer, magnetic losses, autotranformer, three phase, polyphase AC circuit

Software Engineering, Tenth Edition

Author: Ian sommerville

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE303, MCE506

Topics: software processes, agile software development, requirements engineering, system modelling, architectural design, design and implementation, software testing, software evolution, system dependability, system security, dependable systems, reliability engineering, safety engineering, security engineering, resilience engineering, advanced software engineering, software reuse, component-based software engineering, distributed software engineering, service-oriented software engineering, systems engineering, systems of systems, real-time software engineering, software management, project management, project planning, quality management, configuration management

Operation of Restructured Power Systems

Author: Kankar Bhattacharya, Math Bollen, Jaap Daalder

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PSE513

Topics: Economic Load Dispatch, power system economic operation, Optimal Power Flow model, Unit Commitment model, power pools, Transmission Open Access, power wheeling, Ancillary Services Management, Reliability Analysis, network model, Reliability Costs, Generation Reliability, Transmission Reliability, Distribution Reliability, Power Quality, power quality issues, voltage dips, Three-phase Unbalanced Dips, Voltage Dip Performance Indicators, Voltage Dip Mitigation, power quality issues, Harmonic Distortion, Transient Over Voltages, Voltage Variations, Voltage Fluctuations, load currents

Logic circuit

Author: DK Kaushik

School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE211

Topics: number system, binary number system, octal number system, hexadecimal number system, binary addition, binary subtraction, signed numbers, complement representation, binary multiplication, floating point representation, binary codes, binary coded decimal numbers, weighted codes, self implementing codes, cyclic codes, gray code, error detecting codes, error correcting code, Hamming code, BCD addition, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, logic gates, duality principle, Venn diagram, truth table, Karnaugh map, Quine – McCluskey Method, combinational switching circuits, combinational circuits, half adder, full adder, parallel binary adder, 8421 adder, BCD adder, subtractor, multiplexers, demultiplexers, code converter, encoders, priority encoder, magnitude comparator, parity generator, parity checker, programmable logic devices, Field Programmable Logic Array, Programmable Array Logic, Programmable Read Only Memory, Direct Coupled Transistor Logic, Integrated Injection Logic, transistor transistor logic, CMOS Logic, Flip flop, shift registers, counter, Asynchronous Counters, counter ICs, Digital to Analog Converter, Analog to Digital Converter, digital memory, semiconductor memory, read only memory, random access memory, magnetic memory, magnetic bubble memories, charged coupled devices, compact disk read only memory

Introduction to circuit theory and analysis

Author: OA Akinola

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ELE201

Topics: circuit theory, circuit analysis, electrical energy source, Kirchhoff's law, Kirchhoff ’s Voltage Law, Ideal Voltage source, Ideal Current Source

A Course In Electronics Electrical Measurements And Instrumentation, 4th edition

Author: JB Gupta, AK Sawhney

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ELE201

Topics: Measurements, Measurement Systems, error, Units, Dimensions, Electrical Circuit Components, Resistors, Inductors, Capacitors, Galvanometers, Analog Ammeter, Voltmeter, power measurement, Wattmeter, energy measurement, Energy Meters, Potentiometers, Inductance, resistance, Capacitance, Cable Faults localization, Magnetic Measurements, High Voltage Measurements, Optoelectronic Measurements, Electronic Instruments, High Frequency Measurements, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Signal Generators, Signal Analyzers, Instrumentation Amplifiers, Nonlinear Circuits, Signal Conditioning, Electrical Wave Filters, Number Systems, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Logic Families, Digital Measurement, digital Instruments, Display Devices, Electronic Recording Devices, Transducers, Data Acquisition Systems, Telemetry, Microprocessor Based Measurements

Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6th edition

Author: Arvid Eide, Roland Jenison, Larry Northup, Steven Mickelson

School: Edo University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GEE214

Topics: Engineering profession, engineering team, engineering function, engineering design, engineering solutions, engineering measurement, engineering estimations, dimensions, units, conversions, engineering economics, annual worth, annual future worth, sinking fund, decision making, economic decision making, statistics, inferential statistics, sampling, chi-square distribution, F-distribution, mechanics, statics, forces, resultant force, scalars, vectors, strain, design stress, material balance, energy sources, energy alternatives, coal formation, natural gas formation, electrical theory, static electricity, electric potential, Kirchhoff's laws, Mesh current

Sampling ,3rd edition

Author: Steven Thompson

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA351

Topics: Sampling, Sampling Units, Sampling errors, Nonsampling Errors, Simple Random Sampling, Confidence Intervals, Sample Size, Estimating Proportions, Estimating Ratios, Estimating Subpopulation Means, Unequal Probability Sampling, Horvitz-Thompson Estimator, Hansen–Hurwitz Estimator, Auxiliary Data, Ratio Estimation, Ratio Estimator, Small Population Illustrating Bias, Regression Estimation, Linear Regression Estimator, regression model, Multiple Regression Models, Regression Models, Stratified Sampling, Stratified Random Sampling, Cluster Sampling, Systematic Sampling, Multistage Designs, Double Sampling, Two-Phase Sampling, Network Sampling, Link-Tracing Designs, Detectability, Capture–Recapture Sampling, Line-Intercept Sampling, spatial sampling, Spatial Prediction, Kriging, Spatial Covariance Function, Spatial Designs, Adaptive Sampling Designs, Adaptive Sampling, Adaptive Cluster Sampling, Stratified Adaptive Cluster Sampling

Tests related to Communication 1

Physics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Physics, JAMB, Friction, work, force, motion, speed, velocity, energy, hydraulic press, relative density, hydrometer, gas law, sound wave, wave, light, mirror,capacitor, electricity, pressure

Mathematics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Mathematics, JAMB, Logarithm, standard form, permutation, combination, number system, set, ratio, indices, factorization, inequality