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You will find Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 2015, 2016 & 2019 past question PDF which can be downloaded for FREE on this page. Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 2015, 2016 & 2019 is useful when preparing for ENG224 course exams.

Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 2015, 2016 & 2019 past question for the year 2019 examines 200-level Engineering students of FUTO, offering ENG224 course on their knowledge of Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, angular velocity, simple harmonic motion

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Past Questions related to Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 2015, 2016 & 2019

Engineering mechanics 2

Year: 2010

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG224

Topics: Engineering mechanics, angular acceleration, tension, angular velocity, angular position, maximum height, angular momentum

Dynamics of physical system

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE302

Topics: Physical system dynamics, angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular coordinate

Chemical process control and dynamics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE501

Topics: Chemical process control, chemical dynamics, system stability, open loop transfer function, Bode plot, root locus plot, controller tuning, Ziegler-Nichols settings, Tyreus-Luyben settings, state space analysis, state equation, state-transition matric, state vector


Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: AME305

Topics: Statics, Dynamics, Kinetics, Kinematics, simple harmonic motion, Torque, CAM Design, Balancing of Rotating Masses

Open channel hydraulics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: SWE405

Topics: Open channel hydraulics, open channel flow, pipe flow, lined canal water carrying capacity, mean flow velocity, lined canal trapezoidal, permissible velocity range, Manning's coefficient, critical depth, critical velocity, trapezoidal grassed channel design


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG310

Topics: fluid velocity, velocity potential, dimensional analysis, hydraulic power plant, pelton wheel, hydraulic, mach number, mach angle, gross head, net head, hydraulic efficiency, shock-wave, vortex, Fronde's number, Reynolds number

BASIC GEOLOGY-2012,2013,2014&2018

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET204

Topics: migration, well, rock, mineral, basin, dip, strike, heave, throw, slip, hanging well, foot well, weathering, map, geochronology, geologic time scale, dating, faunal succession, angular unconformity

Electrical, electronic engineering studio

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE302

Topics: Electrical engineering, electronic engineering studio, DC power supply, half wave rectifier, electric shock, output voltage, input voltage, rectification efficiency, series inductors filters, simple circuit

FLUID MECHANICS-2017,2018,2019

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: Bernoulli equation, Euler equation, laminar flow, turbulent flow, velocity, hagen-poiseuille, grade line, field, pressure centre, manometer

Drilling engineering technology 3

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PET501

Topics: Drilling engineering technology, casing design process, kick mud weight, directional drilling, design hydraulic system consequences, particle slip velocity, bit nozzle diameter, hydraulic horsepower, jet impact force, casing connections

Fluid mechanics 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG309

Topics: Bernoulli's Equation, Euler's Equation, Boundary Conditions, No-slip Condition, Lagrangian Method, Flow types, Fluid mechanics

Introduction to engineering

Year: 2016

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EGR101

Topics: Nigerian society of engineers, Council for the regulation of engineering in Nigeria, NSE, COREN, role of engineers, engineering employment, agricultural and bioresources engineering, agricultural production, civil engineering, Metallurgical & materials engineering, iron, electrical engineering, generator, motor, war of currents, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering

Engineering mathematics 2

Year: 2022

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE264

Topics: Limits, Continuity, differentiation, linear first order differential equations, partial and total derivatives of composite functions, vector algebra, Vector calculus, Directional derivatives, Cauchy-Riemann equations, initial value problems, magnification, rotation, harmonic functions, ordinary differential equations, Wronskian, harmonic function, Laurent series, Green's theorem

Applied Mechanics

Year: 2021

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GET207

Topics: Applied Mechanics, Equilibrium, Lami's Theorem, Center of gravity, Centroid, Moment of inertia, Projectiles, Friction, Circular motion

Books related to Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 2015, 2016 & 2019

Engineering Mechanics Dynamics (SI Edition), Third Edition

Author: Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas

School: University of Benin

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE212

Topics: Dynamics, Newtonian mechanics, kinematics, rectangular coordinates, curvilinear motion, Force-Mass-Acceleration Method, work-energy, impulse-momentum, power, efficiency, impulse, momentum, plastic impact, impulsive motion, elastic impact, mass flow, planar angular motion, equations of motion, planar kinetics, impulse-momentum methods, vibrations, rigid-body vibration, forced vibrations

A textbook of engineering mechanics ,12th multicoloured edition

Author: RS Khurmi

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE203

Topics: engineering mechanics, resolution of forces, moments, parallel forces, couples, equilibrium of forces, center of gravity, centroid, moment of inertia, friction, static friction, limiting friction, lifting machines, support reactions, loading, concentrated load, point load, beams, loads, string, virtual work, linear motion, velocity, acceleration, relative velocity, projectiles, simple harmonic motion, laws of motion, helical springs, pendulums, elastic bodies, rotating masses, work, power, energy, hydrostatics

Applied mechanics, 3rd edition

Author: Hannah, MJ Hillier

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE203

Topics: Applied mechanics, statics, mass, force, weight, couple, frameworks, friction, square-threaded screw, tribology, average speed, constant speed, velocity, free falling bodies, inertia, Variable forces, Periodic Motion, Simple harmonic motion, Car wheel balancing, Periodic time, simple pendulum, resonance, Angular acceleration, Centripetal acceleration, Centripetal force, Centrifugal force, Dynamic instability, balancing, static balance, dynamic balance, springs, energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, impulse, momentum, Impulsive forces, Inelastic collisions, aircraft, rockets, Reaction propulsion, Jet propulsion aircraft, Helicopters, Rocket propulsion, thrust, Ductile metals, metal, alloy, Shear Force, Bending Moment, Bending moment diagram, Poisson's ratio, stress, strain, Strain energy, Combined loading, Combined Bending, Direct Stress, fluid, pressure, Experimental Errors, discrepancy, error

Software Engineering, Tenth Edition

Author: Ian sommerville

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE303, MCE506

Topics: software processes, agile software development, requirements engineering, system modelling, architectural design, design and implementation, software testing, software evolution, system dependability, system security, dependable systems, reliability engineering, safety engineering, security engineering, resilience engineering, advanced software engineering, software reuse, component-based software engineering, distributed software engineering, service-oriented software engineering, systems engineering, systems of systems, real-time software engineering, software management, project management, project planning, quality management, configuration management

Applied Mechanics ,3rd edition

Author: RK Rajput

School: University of Uyo

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG211

Topics: Applied Mechanics, force, force systems, free body diagrams, resultant force, moments, Varignon’s Theorem, centre of gravity, centroid, Moment of Inertia, friction, Screw Friction, rectilinear motion, Velocity-Time Graphs, Displacement-Time Graphs, laws of motion, impulse, D’alembert’s Principle, work, power, energy, simple machine, Weston’s Differential Pulley Block, circular motion, Centrifugal force, Centripetal Force, curvilinear motion, stress, strain, Hooke's law, tensile test, Strain Hardening, Poisson’s Ratio

Mechanics for science, engineering and medical students

Author: Ekpunobi Okolo, Ekwo Anazodo

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY101

Topics: space, time, kinematics, scalar, vectors, vector operations, speed, velocity, acceleration, rectilinear motion, circular motion, dynamics, inertia mass, weight, force friction, incline plane, linear momentum, statics, work, enrgy, gravitation, weightlessness, Kepler's law, rotational dynamics, angular momentum, oscillatory motion, simple harmonic motion, damped oscillation, forced oscillation

Introductory University Mathematics 3 (analytic geometry, vectors and elementary dynamics)

Author: MO Oyesanya, JC Amazigo

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MAT121

Topics: analytic geometry, vectors, elementary dynamics, straight line equations, circle coordinate geometry, circle tangents, orthogonal circles, coaxial circles, conic sections, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, conic parametric equations, Cartesian coordinate representation, vector addition, vector scalar product, particle kinematics, rectilinear motion, pulleys, projectile motion, simple harmonic motion, impulsive motion

Principle of Construction

Author: Nasiru Danlami

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV3301

Topics: Civil Engineering Procedure, civil engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Engineering, Civil Engineering Design, Applied Civil Engineering Design, Civil Engineering Design Documents, construction process management, site analysis, Site reconnaissance, surveys, measured survey, condition survey, Photographic survey, video surveys, Site Investigation, Foundation design, subsoil examination, trial pits, borehole, Window samplers, Rotary Drilling Equipment, Percussion boring, construction principles, construction equipment, earthing moving equipment, bulldozer, Frontend Loader, Motor Graders, scrapers, truck, Excavating Equipment, construction elements, Foundation construction, foundation types, Strip foundations, Wide strip foundation, Short-bored pile foundations, Pad foundations, Raft foundations

Physics for university beginners Vol 1

Author: Adekola Adewale

School: University of Lagos

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: FSC115

Topics: fundamental quantities, derived quantities, dimension, scalars, vectors, vector representation, unit vectors, vector multiplication, kinematics, displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration, freely falling bodies, projectile motion, horizontal projectile motion, Newton's laws of motion, elastic collision, inelastic collision, friction, circular motion, gravitation, angular speed, angular acceleration, conical pendulum, Banking, free-fall acceleration, gravitational potential energy, satellite motion, velocity escape, Kepler's law, work, energy, power, energy conversion, Kinetic energy, conservative forces, vector moment, mechanical equilibrium, rigid bodies rotation, moment of Inertia, Parallel Axis theorem, Hooke's law, stress, strain, density, fluid mechanics, fluid pressure, Pascal's Principle, Buoyancy principle, Archimedes Principle. fluid dynamics, Bernoulli principle, surface tension, Poiseuille's law, capillarity, Stoke's law, thermal physics, temperature scales, thermometers, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, thermal expansion, thermal stress, heat quantity, Latent heat, heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, Gas laws, Kinetic theory of gases, Thermodynamic processes, Adiabatic processes, Isobaric processes, Isochoric processes, Thermal efficiency, Carnot cycle, Refrigerator, Entropy

Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6th edition

Author: Arvid Eide, Roland Jenison, Larry Northup, Steven Mickelson

School: Edo University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GEE214

Topics: Engineering profession, engineering team, engineering function, engineering design, engineering solutions, engineering measurement, engineering estimations, dimensions, units, conversions, engineering economics, annual worth, annual future worth, sinking fund, decision making, economic decision making, statistics, inferential statistics, sampling, chi-square distribution, F-distribution, mechanics, statics, forces, resultant force, scalars, vectors, strain, design stress, material balance, energy sources, energy alternatives, coal formation, natural gas formation, electrical theory, static electricity, electric potential, Kirchhoff's laws, Mesh current

Theory of Machines, 14th edition

Author: JK Gupta, RS Khurmi

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: AME304

Topics: Simple harmonic motion, simple mechanisms, friction, belt, rope, chain drives, Toothed gearing, gear trains, Gyroscopic couple, precessional motion, flywheel, steam engine valves, reversing gears, governors, brakes, dynamometers, cams, rotating masses, reciprocating masses, longitudinal vibration, transverse vibration, torsional vibration, computer aided analysis, Automatic control

Mechanics and properties of matter

Author: George Whyte

School: University of Port Harcourt

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY101

Topics: measurement, dimension, vectors, scalars, linear kinematics, dynamics, work, energy, power, conservation of linear momentum, dynamics of circular motion, dynamics of rotational motion, Rotational Kinetic Energy, Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, Parallel Axis Theorem, center of gravity, moment, Oscillation, simple harmonic motion, Elastic Potential Energy, elasticity, Bulk Modulus, mechanics of fluid, density, Pascal’s principle, Capillarity, Atmospheric Pressure, pressure, Archimedes’ principle, surface tension, unit conversion, Parallelogram Law of Vectors

Elementary physics 1 (Kinematics, Dynamics and thermodynamics

Author: Satindar Bhagat

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY114

Topics: dimension, units, scalar, vector, length, time, motion, kinematics, vector algebra, projectile motion, relative velocity, Newton's law, uniform circular motion, gravitation, potential energy, conservation principle, gravitational force, linear momentum, circular motion, torque, angular momentum, Kepler's law, thermodynamics, temperature, heat, Gas, kinetic energy, Heat transfer, Thermodynamic processes, formulae

Applied mechanics filler

Author: ENGR UNN

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENGR102

Topics: statics, force, pulley, dynamics, projectile, simple harmonic motion

Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Author: Wolfgang Demtröder

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEC261

Topics: Mechanics of point mass, moving coordinate system, special relativity, systems of point masses, collisions, dynamics of rigid bodies, rigid body, real solid, liquid bodies, static liquids, gases, kinetic gas theory, fluid dynamics, Euler equation, continuity equation, Bernoulli equation, vacuum physics, laminar flow, navier-strokes equation, aerodynamics, reynold's number, thermodynamics, heat transport, mechanical oscillations, mechanical waves, forced oscillations, superposition of waves, standing waves, nonlinear dynamics, acoustics, nonlinear chaos, vector algebra, vector analysis, coordinate systems, complex numbers

Introduction to Engineering material

Author: EGR101

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EGR101

Topics: Engineering, Nigerian society of engineers, COREN, Agricultural and bioresources engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, closed loop control, mechanical engineering, metallurigical and materials engineering

Fluid mechanics and hydraulics

Author: Mahesh kumar

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG232

Topics: fluid pressure, hydrostatic forces, submerged surfaces, buoyancy, floatation, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, vortex flow, potential flow, ideal fluid flow, laminar flow, viscous flow, boundary layer theory, compressible flow, model similitude, free jets, fluid machines, pelton turbine, impulse turbine, francis turbine, radial flow reaction turbines, propeller, kaplan turbine, axial flow reaction turbines, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, reciprocation pumps, hydraulic systems, fluid continuum, fluid properties, specific weight, weight density, viscosity, perfect gas law, isobaric process, adiabatic process, surface tension, capillarity, capillary effect, vapour pressure, cavitation, pascal's law, hydrostatic law, Bouyant force, centre of buoyancy, archimedes principle, metacentre, metacentric height, cauchy-reimann equations, Euler's equation, Bernoulli's equation, continuity equation, orfices, hydraulic coefficients, uniform flow, source flow, sink flow, free vortex flow, notches, weirs, francis formula, bazin formula, rehbock formula, cipolletti weir, reynolds experiment, Navier-stoke equation, efflux viscometer, ogee weir, boundary layers, stagnation pressure, stagnation density, stagnation temperature, specific energy curve, critical depth, critical velocity, sub-critical flow, hydraulic jump, francis turbine, velocity triangle, draft tube, rotodynamic turbine

Applied mechanics

Author: David Fadare, OC Okoye

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE203

Topics: Applied mechanics, Statics, Engineering Mechanics, statics, dynamics, force, system of forces, contact forces, Surface Forces, Pulley System, Spring System, Free-Body Diagram

A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines, 9th edition

Author: RK bansal

School: Covenant University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CVE332

Topics: Fluid Mechanics, hydraulic machines, viscosity, compressibility, bulk modulus, surface tension, capillarity, vapor pressure, cavitation, Pascal's law, manometers, Piezometer, differential manometer, isothermal process, buoyancy, flotation, meta-center, fluid flow, continuity equation, velocity, acceleration, velocity potential function, stream function, equipotential line, Vortex flow, ideal flow, potential flow, momentum equation, free liquid jets, orifices, mouthpieces, notches, weirs, viscous flow, turbulent flow, Reynolds experiment, dimensional homogeneity, model analysis, dimensionless numbers, Boundary layer flow, compressible flow, Mach number, Jet propulsion, hydraulic machines, turbines, Pelton wheel, Radial flow reaction turbines, Francis turbine, axial flow reaction turbine, Draft tube, specific speed, unit quantities, centrifugal pumps, cavitation, maximum suction lift, net positive suction head, reciprocating pumps, air vessels, fluid system, hydraulic press, hydraulic accumulator, hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic ram, hydraulic lift, hydraulic crane, hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, air lift pump, gear-wheel pump

Schaum’s Outline of College Physics, Twelfth Edition

Author: Eugene Hecht

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY112, PHY113, PHY114, PHY115

Topics: Speed, Displacement, Velocity, vector, Uniformly Accelerated Motion, Newton law, Equilibrium, Work, Energy, Power, simple machine, impulse momentum, angular motion, Rigid-body rotation, simple harmonic motion, density, elasticity, fluid, thermal expansion, ideal gas, heat quantity, thermal energy, thermodynamics, entropy, wave motion, sound, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field, Electric Potential, Capacitance, Current, Resistance, Ohm’s Law, Electrical Power, Kirchhoff’s Law, Magnetic field, Induced EMF, Electric generator, motor, inductance, Alternating current, Light, Lens, Optical instrument, Interference, Diffraction, special relativity, quantum physics, hydrogen atom, multielectron atom, subatomic physics, Nuclear physics

Tests related to Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics 2015, 2016 & 2019

Physics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Physics, JAMB, Friction, work, force, motion, speed, velocity, energy, hydraulic press, relative density, hydrometer, gas law, sound wave, wave, light, mirror,capacitor, electricity, pressure