Download THERMODYNAMICS-TEST&EXAM-2019 - ENG209 Past Question PDF

You will find THERMODYNAMICS-TEST&EXAM-2019 past question PDF which can be downloaded for FREE on this page. THERMODYNAMICS-TEST&EXAM-2019 is useful when preparing for ENG209 course exams.

THERMODYNAMICS-TEST&EXAM-2019 past question for the year 2019 examines 200-level Engineering students of FUTO, offering ENG209 course on their knowledge of vessel, temperature, volume, steam turbine, entropy, specific volume, heat transfer, mass flow, compressor, nuzzle, thermodynamics, power, inlet, carnot cycle, rankine cycle

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Past Questions related to THERMODYNAMICS-TEST&EXAM-2019

Engineering Thermodynamics Test and solution

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG209

Topics: flow rate, turbine, rankine cycle, super heated

Engineering thermodynamics

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG209

Topics: Engineering thermodynamics, Rankine cycle kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy, ideal gas


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE204

Topics: petrol-engine, Rankine cycle, cycle temperature, steam power plant, combustion, fuel, cycle, pressure, enthalphy

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

Year: 2022

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GET206

Topics: Thermodynamics, heat, energy, Carnot cycle, entropy, heat flow, First law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, Zeroth's law

Engineering thermodynamics 2

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE204

Topics: Engineering thermodynamics, thermal efficiency, reversible non-flow polytrophic process, Rankine stem power plant, air standard dual-combustion cycle, superheat work, compressor work

Electrical power plant engineering test & exam

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PSE409

Topics: Electrical power plant engineering, energy resources, renewable energy, non renewable energy, power plant layout, steam power plant, fossil-fueled powerplant, hydro-electric power plant, fossil fueled plant energy conversion plant, solar farm


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE304

Topics: thermodynamics, steam, compressor

Electric power system and machines

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PSE312

Topics: Electric power system, electric power machine, load fluid studies, load fluid studies method, Jacobian matrix, apparent power, real power, active power, lap winding, wave winding, frog leg winging, primary winding, secondary winding, generator types, dc generator

Farm power and maintenance

Year: 2017

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FPE510

Topics: Farm power, farm maintenance, piston, brake power, tractor engine friction power, engine systems, fiel system, cooling system, lubrication system, electrical system, hydraulic system, API hydrometer, fuel specific gravity, traction, dynamic traction ratio, tractive efficiency, travel reduction slip

Heat and power machinery

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PME405

Topics: Heat machinery, power machinery, internal combustion engine, indicator diagram, indicated horsepower, brake horsepower, clearance volume, simple carburetor, ignition delay, fuel calorific value, mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PSE514

Topics: electricity market, power system operation, power system control systems, power system communication systems, solar installation, power lines

Engineering thermodynamics 1 2008-2019

Year: 2019

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEC261

Topics: Engineering thermodynamics, thermodynamics, Piston-cylinder assembly, heat transfer, laws of thermodynamics

Transport phenomena 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE307

Topics: Transport phenomena, continuity equation, general energy equation, steady flows, unsteady flows, uniform flows, non uniform flows, laminar flow, turbulent flows, buoyancy, buoyancy center, density, viscosity, temperature, pressure, specific volume, specific gravity, specific tension, pressure center

Unit operations in food technology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FST301

Topics: Units, dimensions, viscosity, fluid viscosity, pressure, momentum diffusivity, Schmidt number, Lewis number, Sherwood number, logarithmic mean, kinematic viscosity, mass transfer, molecular diffusion, heat transfer, benzene, equimolecular counter diffusion, convective heat transfer, radiative heat transfer, radiation, food technology

Books related to THERMODYNAMICS-TEST&EXAM-2019

Applied Thermodynamics, 2nd edition

Author: RK Rajput

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MCE309

Topics: Applied Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics, steam, Internal Latent Heat, entropy, steam generators, boilers, steam boiler, Fire Tube Boilers, Water Tube Boilers, High Pressure Boilers, boiler mountings, draught, chimney, evaporative capacity, boiler efficiency, steam power cycles, Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle, Modified Rankine cycle, Regenerative cycle, Reheat cycle, Binary vapour cycle, reciprocating steam engine, compound steam engines, Multi-Cylinder Engines, uniflow steam engine, steam nozzles, nozzle efficiency, steam injector, steam turbines, turbine efficiencies, reheating steam, steam turbine governing, steam turbine control, steam condensers, condensing plant, jet condensers, surface condensers, gas power cycles, air standard efficiency, dual combustion cycle, Atkinson cycle, Ericsson cycle, Brayton cycle, internal combustion engines, Four-Stroke Cycle Engines, Two-Stroke Cycle Engines, ignition system, fuel injection system, electronic fuel system, cooling system, lubrication systems, Performance Number, Combustion Chamber Design, octane number, Diesel Knock, cetane number, supercharging, dissociation, Engine Performance Curves, Wankel Rotary Combustion Engine, Stratified Charge Engines, Duel-Fuel Engines, air compressors, Reciprocating Compressors, volumetric efficiency, Multi-stage Compression, compressor performance, intercooler, Compressed Air Motors, Rotary Compressors, gas turbines, jet propulsion, Open Cycle Gas Turbines, Constant Volume Combustion Turbines, Gas Turbine Fuels, refrigeration, Air Refrigeration System, Simple Vapour Compression System, Vapour Absorption System, Refrigerants, Air-conditioning Systems, Air-conditioning, load estimation, Air Distribution

Engineering Thermodynamics Work and Heat Transfer ,Fourth edition

Author: Gordon Rogers, Yon Mayhew

School: Rivers State University of Science and Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: FEC251

Topics: Engineering Thermodynamics, Work, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamic properties, temperature, Law of Thermodynamics, Non-Flow Processes, Constant volume process, Constant pressure process, Polytropic process, Adiabatic process, Isothermal process, Flow Processes, Nonsteady-flow processes, Boiler, condenser, Throttling, Reciprocating compressor, Cycle efficiency, Reversibility, irreversibility, Exergy, Gibbs function, steady-flow system, Properties of Fluids, Vapour Power Cycles, carnot cycle, rankine cyclel, reheat cycle, regenerative cycle, economiser, air preheater, steam cycles, Gas Power Cycle, gas turbine cycle, Closed-cycle gas turbine, Intercooling, reheating, Combined gas, steam cycles, Reciprocating engine cycles, Heat Pump, Refrigeration Cycles, Reversed Carnot cycle, Practical refrigeration cycles, Water refrigerator, Absorption refrigerators, Gas cycles, Hygrometry, psychrometry

Applied Thermodynamics for engineering technologists ,5th edition

Author: TD Eastop, McConkey

School: Federal University, Oye-Ekiti

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEE205

Topics: Thermodynamics, steady-flow equation, working fluid, reversible process, polytropic process, heat engine, entropy, exergy, heat engine cycle, carnot cycle absolute temperature scale, constant pressure cycle, air standard cycle. Otto cycle, diesel cycle, dual combustion cycle, combustion, fuels, combustion equations, enthalpy, power plant thermal efficiency, steam cycles, rankine cycle, gas turbine cycles, nozzles, jet propulsion, rotodynamic machinery, reciprocating internal-combustion engines, engine output, engine efficiency, supercharging, refrigeration, heat pumps, reversed heat engine cycles, vapour-compression cycles, gas cycles, psychrometry, air-conditioning, heat transfer, conduction equation, conduction, convection, heat exchangers, black-body radiation, combined cycles

Biological and bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer

Author: Ashim Datta

School: University of Uyo

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE513

Topics: equilibrium, energy, conservation, temperature, Energy process, modes of heat transfer, conduction heat transfer, convection heat transfer.freezing, evaporation, radiative heat transfer, mass transfer, equilibrium, mass conservation, kinetics, Fick's law, diffusion mass transfer, convection mass transfer, thermodynamics, Biological Heat transfer, Biological mass transfer, bioenvironmental heat transfer, bioenvironmental mass transfer

Fluid mechanics and hydraulics

Author: Mahesh kumar

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG232

Topics: fluid pressure, hydrostatic forces, submerged surfaces, buoyancy, floatation, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, vortex flow, potential flow, ideal fluid flow, laminar flow, viscous flow, boundary layer theory, compressible flow, model similitude, free jets, fluid machines, pelton turbine, impulse turbine, francis turbine, radial flow reaction turbines, propeller, kaplan turbine, axial flow reaction turbines, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal pumps, reciprocation pumps, hydraulic systems, fluid continuum, fluid properties, specific weight, weight density, viscosity, perfect gas law, isobaric process, adiabatic process, surface tension, capillarity, capillary effect, vapour pressure, cavitation, pascal's law, hydrostatic law, Bouyant force, centre of buoyancy, archimedes principle, metacentre, metacentric height, cauchy-reimann equations, Euler's equation, Bernoulli's equation, continuity equation, orfices, hydraulic coefficients, uniform flow, source flow, sink flow, free vortex flow, notches, weirs, francis formula, bazin formula, rehbock formula, cipolletti weir, reynolds experiment, Navier-stoke equation, efflux viscometer, ogee weir, boundary layers, stagnation pressure, stagnation density, stagnation temperature, specific energy curve, critical depth, critical velocity, sub-critical flow, hydraulic jump, francis turbine, velocity triangle, draft tube, rotodynamic turbine

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics

Author: Onwuachu chineyere, Eke cyril

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG209

Topics: Thermodynamics, liquid, vapor, steady-flow energy equation, heat engine, isobaric process, polytropic process, adiabatic process, isothermal process, entropy, power cycle, otto cycle, diesel cycle, carnot cycle

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics lecture note

Author: Utazi Divine

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: GET206

Topics: perfect gas, boyle's law, charle's law, gay-lussac's law, general gas equation, joules law, specific heat, isobaric process, isochoric process, isothermal process, enthalpy, first law of thermodynamics, perpetual motion machine of the first kind, flow process, non-flow process, water turbine, steam turbine, centrifugal pump, pure substance, compressor, evaporator, phase changes, saturated vapour, super heated vapour, steam tables

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics ,9th Edition

Author: Michael Moran, Howard Shapiro, Daisie Boettner, Margaret Bailey

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEC261

Topics: Engineering Thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics, Control Volume Analysis, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Exergy Analysis, entropy, vapor power systems, gas power systems, Refrigeration, Heat Pump Systems, Thermodynamic Relations, Ideal Gas Mixture, Reacting Mixtures, Combustion, Chemical Equilibrium, Phase Equilibrium, energy storage, Generalized Compressibility Chart.ideal gas model, Polytropic Process Relations.nozzle, diffuser, turbine, compressor, pump, heat exchanger, throttling devices, transient analysis, mass rate balance

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics - Solution Manual ,8th edition

Author: Michael Moran, Howard Shapiro

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Engineering

Course Code: MEC261

Topics: Engineering Thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics, Control Volume Analysis, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Exergy Analysis, entropy, vapor power systems, gas power systems, Refrigeration, Heat Pump Systems, Thermodynamic Relations, Ideal Gas Mixture, Reacting Mixtures, Combustion, Chemical Equilibrium, Phase Equilibrium, energy storage, Generalized Compressibility Chart.ideal gas model, Polytropic Process Relations.nozzle, diffuser, turbine, compressor, pump, heat exchanger, throttling devices, transient analysis, mass rate balance

Power Systems Analysis ,3rd edition

Author: Hadi Saadat

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE511

Topics: Power Systems Analysis, power system, electric power generation, fossil power plants, hydroelectric power plants, solar power, wind power plants, geothermal power, biomass power plants, fuel cell, modern power system, smart grid, energy control center, complex power, complex power balance, power factor corrrection, per phase analysis, balanced three-phase power, generator models, transformer models, per unit system, transformer performance, autotransformers, three-winding transformers, transmission line parameters, line model, line compensation, power flow analysis, bus admittance matric, Gauss-Seidel power flow solution, Newton-Raphson method, power flow programs, synchronous machine, transient analysis, unbalanced fault, stability, swing equation, transoent stability, steady-state stability, power system control, automatic generation control, load frequency control, MATLAB, frequency response, reactive power, voltage control, excitation system

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids ,5th edition

Author: GFC Rogers, YR Mayhew

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG209

Topics: Thermodynamic, Transport Properties of Fluids, steam table, saturated water, saturated steam, superheated steam, supercritical steam, compressed water, saturated ice, saturated steam

Principles of Chemical Engineering Processes Material and Energy Balances

Author: Nayef Ghasem, Redhouane Henda

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE202

Topics: Chemical Engineering Processes, Material Balance, Energy Balance, temperature measurement, temperature conversion, dimensional homogeneity, dimensionless quantities, process flow sheet, process unit, process streams, mass flow rates, volumetric rates, moles, molecular weight, stream composition, mass fraction, mole fraction, concentration, pressure measurement, pressure-sensing devices, process units, degrees of freedom analysis, process flow diagram, multiunit process flow diagram, mass balance, Stoichiometric Equation, Stoichiometric Coefficients, Stoichiometric Ratio, Limiting Reactant, Excess Reactants, Combustion Reactions, Chemical Equilibrium, Multiple-Unit Process Flowcharts, Single-Phase Systems, Multiphase Systems, Ideal Gas Equation of State, liquid density, solid density, gas density, Real Gas Relationships, Compressibility Factor, Virial Equation of State, van der Waals Equation of State, Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State, Kay’s Mixing Rules, phase diagram, Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Curve, Vapor Pressure Estimation, Clapeyron Equation, Clausius–Clapeyron Equation, Cox Chart, Antoine Equation, Partial Pressure, Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures, Gibbs’ Phase Rule, Bubble Point, Dew Point, Critical Point, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, energy balance, steam turbine, heaters, coolers, compressors, Mechanical Energy Balance, Enthalpy Calculations, Constant Heat Capacity, Psychrometric Chart, Heat of Reaction, Heats of Formation, Heat of Combustion, Heat of Reaction Method, Unsteady-State Material Balance, Unsteady-State Energy Balance

University physics volume 2

Author: Samuel Ling, Jeff Sanny

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY104

Topics: temperature, heat, thermal equilibrium, thermometer temperature scale, thermal expanusion, heat transfer, specific heat, calorimetry, heat capacity, thermodynamics, work, heat, internal energy, heat engines, refrigerators, heat pumps, carnot cycle, entropy, electricity, magnetism, electric charge, electric field, conductors, insulators, Coulomb's law, electric dipoles, Gauss law, electric flux, electric potential, capacitor, capacitance, electrical current, resistivity, resistance, Ohm's law, electrical eenrgy, power, super conductors, electromotive force, magnetic forces, magnetic fields, hall effect, Biot-Savart law, solenoids, toroids, Faraday's law, Lenz's law, induced electic fields, eddy current, electric generators, inductance, transformers, electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum

Heat Transfer Textbook,4th edition

Author: John lienhard IV, John lienhard V

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG304, MEE413

Topics: problem of heat exchange, heat conduction, heat exchanger design, thermal resistance, heat transfer coefficient, heat conduction, transient heat conduction, multidimensional heat conduction, convective heat transfer, forced convection, natural convection, phase configuration, radiative heat transfer, mass transfer, convection

Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th edition

Author: Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott

School: Institute of Management Technology

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CHE303

Topics: Fluid Mechanics, Fluid-Flow Phenomena, Equations of Fluid Flow, Flow of Incompressible Fluids, Flow of Compressible Fluids, Flow past immersed bodies, Transportation of fluids, Metering of fluids, Agitation of liquids, mixing of liquids, Heat transfer, heat flow in fluids, Heat transfer to fluids without phase change, Heat transfer to fluids with phase change, Radiation heat transfer, Heat exchange equipment, Evaporation, Equilibrium stage operations, Distillation, multicomponent distillation, Leaching, Extraction, Diffusion, Mass Transfer between Phases, Gas Absorption, Humidification Operations, Drying of Solids, Adsorption, Membrane Separation Processes, Crystallization, Properties of Particulate Solids, Handling of Particulate Solids, Mixing of Particulate Solids, Mechanical Separations

Lectures on Heat and Thermodynamics

Author: Michael Fowler

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: PHY103

Topics: heat, thermal expansion, gas law, energy conservation, heat flow, latent heat, specific heat, calorimetry, Kinetic theory of gases, Velocity space, potential energy, Brownian motion, ideal gas thermodynamics, specific heat, isotherm, adiabat, heat engine, carnot cycle, engine efficiency, entropy, molecular collision, mean free path, conduction, convection, radiation

Power Systems. The electric power engineering handbook ,3rd edition

Author: Leonard Grigsby

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Engineering

Course Code: EEE511

Topics: power systems, Per-Unit System, Power System, power flow analysis, fault analysis, power system analysis, power system simulation, power system transients, lightning strokes, overvoltage, switching surges, very fast transients, Transmission System Transients, Grounding, Transient Recovery Voltage, Surge Arresters, Insulation Coordination, power system planning, Short-Term Load, Transmission Plan Evaluation, power system reliability, Electricity Pricing, Power Semiconductor Devices, uncontrolled rectifiers, controlled rectifiers, inverters, active filters, power electronics

Power System Engineering Planning, Design, and Operation of Power Systems and Equipment ,2nd edition

Author: Juergen Schlabbach, Karl-Heinz Rofalski

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: PSE513

Topics: Power System Engineering, Power System Engineering planning, Power System Engineering design, power system load, load forecast, Low-Voltage Systems, power system planning principles, power system planning criteria, loss evaluation, energy losses, power losses, power system topology, Busbar Arrangements, Double Busbar Arrangement, transformers, Thermal Permissible Loading, cable systems, Permissible Current, overload lines, Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Parallel Compensation of Lines, Serial Compensation of Lines, Phase-Shifting Equipment, HVDC-Transmission, Converter Stations, Breakers, Reactors, Electrodes, Load-Flow Calculation, Short-Circuit Current Calculation, faults, disturbances, Overcurrent Protection, Impedance Protection, Differential Protection of Lines, Ground-Fault Protection, Buchholz Protection, Overvoltages, Insulation Coordination, Slow-Front Overvoltages, Fast-Front Overvoltages, Neutral Earthing, Residual Current Compensation

A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines, 9th edition

Author: RK bansal

School: Covenant University

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CVE332

Topics: Fluid Mechanics, hydraulic machines, viscosity, compressibility, bulk modulus, surface tension, capillarity, vapor pressure, cavitation, Pascal's law, manometers, Piezometer, differential manometer, isothermal process, buoyancy, flotation, meta-center, fluid flow, continuity equation, velocity, acceleration, velocity potential function, stream function, equipotential line, Vortex flow, ideal flow, potential flow, momentum equation, free liquid jets, orifices, mouthpieces, notches, weirs, viscous flow, turbulent flow, Reynolds experiment, dimensional homogeneity, model analysis, dimensionless numbers, Boundary layer flow, compressible flow, Mach number, Jet propulsion, hydraulic machines, turbines, Pelton wheel, Radial flow reaction turbines, Francis turbine, axial flow reaction turbine, Draft tube, specific speed, unit quantities, centrifugal pumps, cavitation, maximum suction lift, net positive suction head, reciprocating pumps, air vessels, fluid system, hydraulic press, hydraulic accumulator, hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic ram, hydraulic lift, hydraulic crane, hydraulic coupling, hydraulic torque converter, air lift pump, gear-wheel pump

Solution manual to accompany Heat transfer, Tenth edittion

Author: JP Holman

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG304, MEE413

Topics: Steady-State Conduction, Unsteady-State Conduction, radiation heat transfer, natural convection systems, heat exchangers, mass transfer