Download ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018 - MTH101 Past Question PDF

You will find ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018 past question PDF which can be downloaded for FREE on this page. ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018 is useful when preparing for MTH101 course exams.

ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018 past question for the year 2018 examines 100-level Science and Technology students of FUTO, offering MTH101 course on their knowledge of logarithm, partial fraction, inequality, linear expansion, complex number, arithmetic progression, geometric progression

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Past Questions related to ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018

Answers to Elementary Mathematics test mock by WCCCF FUTO

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: Logarithm, indices, combination, complex numbers, binomial expansion, geometric progression, inequalities, partial fraction, remainder theorem

General mathematics 1 test

Year: 2020

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: set theory, number system, complex number, Arithmetic progression, geometric progression, trigonometry

Sets, binary operation, partial fractions, mathematical induction

Year: 2020

School: University of Benin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH110

Topics: Sets, binary operation, partial fractions, mathematical induction, real numbers, remainder theorem, factor theorem, polynomial, mapping, complex number, Argand diagram, trigonometric function, sequence, series, recurrency, D'Alembert ratio test, permutation, combination

Elementary Maths

Year: 2016

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: logarithm, expansion, square root, universal set

General Mathematics 2008, 2010 & 2016

Year: 2017

School: University of Uyo

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTT111

Topics: Venn diagram, square root, simultaneous equation, arithmetic progression, domain, range, logarithm, geometric progression, permutation, combination, partial fractions

Elementary Maths test&exam 2013,2014

Year: 2014

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: real numbers, quadratic equation, geometric progression

Elementary Maths

Year: 2013

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101/111

Topics: sequence, prime numbers, geometric progression, arithemetic progression, power set

Elementary Maths

Year: 2014

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101/111

Topics: sequence, prime numbers, geometric progression, arithemetic progression, power set

Elementary Maths

Year: 2015

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101/111

Topics: sequence, prime numbers, geometric progression, arithemetic progression, power set

Elementary Maths

Year: 2015

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: Range, partial fractions


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH305

Topics: complex variable, logarithm, analytic function, linear transformation

Introduction to computer science, workshop practive

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CPT111, WKS110, GST110, BIO111, STA117, PHY113, MAT111, CHM1111, CHM112

Topics: reserve words, program statements, pseudo code, flowchart, programming language, algorithm, plant location, plant layout, accident, electrical hazards, zero error, communication skills, communication, essay writing, technical report writing, essay, cell biology, organelles, cell membrane, microscopy, microscope, biodiversity, hereditary, inheritance, monocotyledons, dicotyledons, frequency distribution, questionnaire, force, tension, pressure, vector, scalar, linear motion, random motion, rotational motion, oscillatory motion, gravitational field strength, escape velocity, logarithm, surd, geometric progression, sets, Bohr postulate, Raoults's law, LeChatelier's principle, chemical bonding, electronic configuration, inorganic chemistry, Dalton atomic theory Avogadro's number

Tutorial workbook for MTS101 & MTS102

Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS101, MTS102

Topics: Set theory, real numbers, complex numbers, rational functions, partial fraction, binomial expansion, sequence, series, matrices, Trigonometry, Differentiation, integration

General Mathematics and Algebra

Year: 2020

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: Algebra, sets, binomial expansion, trigonometry, quadratic equation

Books related to ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018

Elementary mathematics key points (calculator class)

Author: O'kriso

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: mathematics, indices, logarithm, surd, positive square root, polynomials, partial fraction, quadratic equations, maximum value, minimum value, alpha functions, beta functions, simultaenous linear equation, binomial theorem, complex number, Arithemetic progression, geometric progression

Maths Manual Solution

Author: EduMaths

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH101

Topics: set theory, number system, indices, surd, logarithm, mathematical induction, binomial theorem, Arithmetic progression, geometric progression, quadratic equation, complex number, trigonometry

Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Eighth edition

Author: John Bird

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: ENG307, EN308

Topics: Algebra, partial fraction, logarithm, exponential function, inequality, arithmetic progression, geometric progression, binomial series, Maclaurin's series, iterative method, binary, octal, hexadecimal, boolean algebra, logic circuits, trigonometry, circle, Trigonometric waveforms, hyperbolic functions, Trigonometric identities, Trigonometric equation, compound angles, irregular area, irregular volume, graph, complex numbers, De Moivre’s theorem, matrix, determinant, vector geometry, vector, scalar product, vector product, differentiation, calculus, integration, differential equation, parametric equations, implicit functions, Logarithmic differentiation, hyperbolic functions, Partial differentiation, Total differential, rate of change, Maxima, minima, saddle point, integral calculus, hyperbolic substitution, trignometric substitution, Integration by parts, Reduction formulae, double integrals, triple integrals, Numerical integration, Homogeneous first-order differential equation, first-order differential equation, differential calculus, Linear first-order differential equation, Numerical methods, power series, Statistics, probability, Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, Linear correlation, Linear regression, Sampling, estimation theories, Significance testing, Chi-square test, distribution-free test, Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform, Heaviside function, Fourier series, periodic functions, non-periodic function, even function, odd function, half-range fourier series, harmonic analysis, Z-Transform

Algebra and Trigonometry

Author: Alhassan Charity Jumai

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH111

Topics: Algebra, Trigonometry, real number system, set theory, Venn diagram, sequence, series, arithmetic progression, arithmetic mean, geometric progression, partial fraction, mathematical induction, complex numbers, permutations

Sequences, series and binomial exapnsion

Author: Ilojide

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS105

Topics: sequence, arithmetic progression, arithmetic series, arithmetic mean, geometric progression, geometric series, sum to infinity, geometric mean, binomial expansion, binomial theorem

Elementary Mathematics

Author: Roarnotes

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH111

Topics: Set theory, binary relation, function, inverse relation, surjection, number theory, logarithm, surd, sequence, series, inequality, quadratic equation, quadratic inequality, trignometry, permutation, combination, superfactorial, polynomials, binomial expansion, complex number

Sequence and series


School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS105

Topics: Sequence, series, Arithmetic Mean, Arithmetic Sequence, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Sequence, Geometric Progression

Mathematics for users

Author: OO Ugbebor, UN Bassey

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MAT101

Topics: exponents, logarithms, functions, polynomials, exponential functions, inequalities, inequality symbol, inequality rules, finite series, arithemetic progression, geometric progression, limit, continuity, differentiation, integration, indefinite integrals, definite integrals, approximate integration, linear programming

Algebra and elementary trigonometry

Author: Umar Ashafa Sulaiman

School: Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH114

Topics: indices, logarithm, surd, quadratic equations, permutation, combination, set theory, arithmetic progression, geometric progression, binomial theorem, vectors, trigonometric functions

Advanced Level Pure Mathematics, 4th Edition

Author: CJ Tranter

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS105

Topics: Mathematics, quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, remainder theorem, undetermined coefficients, partial fractions, arithmetic progression, geometrical progression permutations, combinations, binomial theorem, trigonometric ratio, addition theorem, sine formula, cosine formula, tangent formula, differential calculus, differentiation, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, coordinates, coordinate geometry, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, complex numbers, matrices

Elementary mathematics 1

Author: Ibrahin Danjuma, Manu Donga

School: Modibbo Adama University of Technology

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MA101

Topics: set theory, Mathematical Induction, Binomial Theorem, Real Sequences, Series, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Quadratic Equation, Remainder, Factor Theorem, Complex Numbers, Trigonometrical Identities

Complex Numbers


School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS101

Topics: Complex numbers, Factorization of a complex numbers, Additive Inverse of a Complex Number, Conjugate of a complex number, Argand Plane, De Moivres Theorem

A First Course in Linear Algebra

Author: Robert Beezer

School: Edo University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTH214

Topics: Linear algebra, vector, Reduced Row-Echelon Form, vector operations, linear combinations, spanning sets, linear independence, orthogonality, matrices, matrix operation, matrix multiplication, matrix inverses, vector spaces, subspaces, matrix determinants, Eigenvalues, Eigen vectors, linear transformations, Injective Linear Transformations, Surjective Linear Transformations, Invertible Linear Transformations, vector representations, matrix representations, complex number operations, sets

Foundation chemistry Access chemistry

Author: AO Oyewale, FM Folarinmi

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM001

Topics: elements, compounds, atomic theory, chemical reaction, atom constituents, chemical symbols, chemical formulae, chemical reactions, chemical equations, electronic configuration, atomic number, mass numbers, nuclear atom, electronic, energy levels, Ion formations, nuclear reactions, radioactivity, nuclear radiations, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, radioactivity hazards, chemical bonding, electrovalent bonding, Ionic bonding, electrovalent compounds, covalent bonding, covalent compounds, coordinate covalent bonding, dative covalent bonding, metallic bonding, intermolecular bonding, Van der Waal's forces, dipole-dipole attractions, hydrogen bonding, periodic table, periodic law, transition elements, atomic orbital model, principal quantum number, subsidiary quantum number, azimuthal quantum number, magnetic quantum number, spin quantum number, atomic orbital shape, atomic size, ionic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, mole concept, melting, vaporization, boiling point, evaporation sublimation, heating graphs, cooling graphs, Boyle's law, Charles's law, Avogadro's law, boiling, solid classification, solid properties, molecular solid, metallic solid, Ionic solid, covalent solid, energy changes, heat content, heat of reaction, exothermic reactions, energy level diagrams, standard state, thermochemical equations, entropy, entropy change, free energy, chemical kinetic, rate of a chemical reaction, temperature, gas pressure, catalyst, activation, reaction rate, collision theory, Le Chatelier's principle, Haber process, contact process, salt hydrolysis, buffer solutions, common Ion effect, solubility product, Acid bases, salt, electrolysis, redox reactions, electrolytic conduction, oxidation, reduction, copper purification, electroplating, quantitative hydrolysis, metal corrosion, iron rusting, carbon, carbon allotropes, Diamond graphite, amorphous carbon, combustion reactions, industrial gas chemistry, metals, alloys, chemical industry, heavy chemicals, fine chemicals, fertilizers, plastics, soaps, detergents, pharmaceuticals, Nigerian chemical industry, aromatic compounds, Alicyclic compound, heterocyclic compound, homologous series, functional groups, isomerism, structural isomerism, geometric isomerism, IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds, purification methods, distillation, crystallization, chromatography, empirical formula, molecular formular, alkanes, natural gas, petroleum crude oil, benzene, fractional distillation petrol quality, cracking, isomerization, petrochemicals, alkanols, alkanoic acid, alkenoate, fat, oils, amino acid, polymer chemistry, polymerization processes, condensation polymerization, resins, natural polymers, carbohydrates, proteins, synthetic polymers, water pollution


Author: JA Oguntuase

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS101

Topics: Real Numbers, Real Line, absolute value, indices, surds, Rationalization, logarithm, matices, matrix algebra, e Moivre’s theorem, complex numbers, Conjugate complex number, Argand Diagram, Roots of Complex Numbers, Roots of Unity, set theory, Binary Operations

Introduction to Quantitative Methods

Author: OE Maku, GA Adesina-Uthman

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: ECO153

Topics: Quantitative Methods, Real Number System, Fraction, Ratio, Proportion, Percentages, Lowest Common Multiples, Factorisation, Highest Common Factors, Indices, Logarithms, Surds, Equations, Formulae, Linear Equations, Linear Simultaneous Equations, Quadratic Equations, Simultaneous Equations, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Set Theory, set, Set Notations, Sets Operation, Venn Diagrams, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Sequence, Series, Polynomial, Binomial Theorem, Partial Fractions, Binomial Expansions, Factorials, Permutation, Combination, Matrix Operations, Matrices

Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th edition

Author: Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MAT231

Topics: Calculus, linear coordinate systems, absolute value, inequalities, rectangular coordinate systems, lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas, conic sections, functions, limits, continuity, continuous function, derivative, delta notation, chain rule, inverse functions, implicit differentiation, tangent lines, normal lines, critical numbers, relative maximum relative minimum, cure sketching, concavity, symmetry, points of inflection, vertical asymptotes, trigonometry, trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, rectilinear motion, circular motion, differentials, Newton's method, antiderivatives, definite integral, sigma notation, natural logarithm, exponential functions, logarithmic functions, L'hopital's rule, exponential growth, decay, half-life, integration by parts, trigonometric integrands, trigonometric substitutions, improper integrals, parametric equations, curvature, plane vectors, curvilinear motion, polar coordinates, infinite sequences, infinite series, geometric series, power series, uniform convergence, Taylor's series, Maclaurin series, partial derivatives, total differential, differentiability, chain rules, space vectors, directional derivatives, vector differentiation, vector integration, double integrals, iterated integrals, centroids, triple integrals, Separable Differential Equations, Homogeneous Functions, Integrating Factors, Second-Order Equations


Author: MAT UI

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MAT101

Topics: Inequalities, inequality rules, linear inequality, quadratic inequality

Sequences Series and Binomial Theorem


School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS101

Topics: Sequences, Series, Binomial Theorem, Geometric Progression, Arithmetic sequence, Arithmetic series

Introduction to basic physical chemistry

Author: Omuku Patrick Enuneku

School: Nnamdi Azikiwe University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ICH102

Topics: Gas laws, Gas, Boyle's law, Charles law, Gay-Lussac's law, Dalton's law, general gas equation, ideal gas, Avogardo's law, kinetic theory, Boltzmann distribution, intermolecular distribution, Vander Waal's equation, viscosity, dilute solution, molarity, mole fraction, colligative properties, osmotic pressure, thermodynamics, internal energy, heat change, heat capacity, isothermal process, phase change, adiabatic process, adiabatic reversible expansion, thermodynamic equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, thermochemistry, heat of reaction, heat of formation, heat of combustion, bond energy, chemical equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium, law of mass action, solubility, chemical kinetics, chemical reaction, reaction rate, rate laws, differential rate laws, integrated rate laws, activation energy, action complex, activated complex, ionic equilibrium, electrolytes, acid, bases, Bronsted-Lowry theory, Lewis theory, dissociation constant, hydrolysis, buffer solution, buffer capacity, crystals, crystalline phases, polymorphism, amorphous, crystal growth, nucleation, crystal systems, cubic structures, mirror symmetry

Tests related to ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS 1-TEST&EXAM-2013-2018

Mathematics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Mathematics, JAMB, Logarithm, standard form, permutation, combination, number system, set, ratio, indices, factorization, inequality