Download Mechanics and Properties of Matter-2001-2003,2005,2006 - PHY114 Past Question PDF
You will find Mechanics and Properties of Matter-2001-2003,2005,2006 past question PDF which can be downloaded for FREE on this page. Mechanics and Properties of Matter-2001-2003,2005,2006 is useful when preparing for PHY114 course exams.
Mechanics and Properties of Matter-2001-2003,2005,2006 past question for the year 2006 examines 100-level Science and Technology students of UI, offering PHY114 course on their knowledge of stress, strain, Young's modulus, shear modulus, Bulk modulus, work, force, Newton's law, parallel axis theorem, projectile, simple harmonic motion, inclined plane, motion on a plane, dimension analysis, Kepler's law, synchronous orbit, rigid body, physical quantity, acceleration due to gravity