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BIO103 Past Questions

Algebra and trigonometry & Introductory physiology MOCK CAT

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MTS105, BIO103, BIO101

Topics: surd, remainder theorem, partial fraction, series, geometric mean, plant, leaf, homeostasis, environment, photosynthesis

Introductory physiology 2006&2009 D'Ola

Year: 2009

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: BIO103

Topics: Enzyme, plant physiology, animal physiology, metabolites


Administration, Social and Management science image

Administration, Social and Management science

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine image

Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Arts and Humanities image

Arts and Humanities

Education image


Engineering image


General studies image

General studies

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science image

Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Science and Technology image

Science and Technology